Set goals like a boss [Title] #1: Work out what you want [Graphic] Guy with an ear piercing, wearing a yellow shirt, grey beanie pointing at YOU. Focus on what you WANT to do, not what you think you SHOULD do. [Title] #2: What do you enjoy? [Graphic] Hand holing a phone with a list of items on the screen. Write down five things you enjoy doing. Can they help you to achieve your goals? [Title] #3: Start small [Graphic] Guy wearing a polo shirt and bowler hat smiling, with a thought bubble and checklist of items. Small goals are easier to achieve, so you'll feel good more often. [Title] #4: Define your goal [Graphic] Girl with glasses, holding a clipboard with a list of written questions. Make it specific, achievable and with an endpoint. For example: 'learn to make one new recipe a week', instead of 'cook better'. [Title] #5: Break it up [Graphic] Scale with 'Goal 1', 'Goal 2' and 'Goal 3', and in between increment lines. Sey mini goals to help you stay motivated. For example: instead of deciding to 'save money', break the goal down to 'save $20 a week'. [Title] #6: Set a time frame [Graphic] Calendar with a a photo and half the days crossed off. Deadlines help you to stay motivated. Set dates for achieving each mini goal.