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Try signing in or using a different email."; AN.AuthenticationModule.ResetEmailServiceError = "This email address doesn't match an account in our system."; var _ANUserId = ""; var _UserLoginStatus = "Anonymous"; window.addEventListener('load', () => { var authCssAdded = ""; var accountLink = document.querySelectorAll('[data-menu-value="account"]'); if (accountLink != null && accountLink.length > 0) { accountLink.forEach(link => { link.addEventListener('click', function () { var authCssFilename = "/Content/AutoNation/autonationcom/css/authentication.bundle.css"; if (authCssAdded.indexOf("[" + authCssFilename + "]") === -1) { $('head').append(''); authCssAdded += "[" + authCssFilename + "]"; } }); }); } }); let taxContainerLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.tax-container-slide .primary-link'); let researchContainerLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.research-slide .primary-link'); for(let i = 0; i < taxContainerLinks.length; i++) { taxContainerLinks[i].addEventListener('click', function() { let event = taxContainerLinks[i].previousElementSibling.innerHTML.trim(); 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} } function setNewMax(targetEle, targetEleLabel, ele) { let targetVal = +targetEle.value; let eleVal = +ele.value; if (targetVal >= eleVal) { targetEle.value = eleVal - 1; targetEleLabel.innerHTML = targetEle.value; } } function neverExceedMax(targetEle, ele) { let stopSlide = false; let targetVal = +targetEle.value; let eleVal = +ele.value; if (targetVal >= eleVal) { targetEle.value = eleVal - 1; stopSlide = true; } return stopSlide; }