load(null, $file); $glesys = new glesys_api(); $glesys->api_user = $api_user; $glesys->api_key = $api_key; $glesys->api_url = $api_url; if($parser->_SOA["name"] == "." && ISSET($argv[4])) { $parser->_SOA["name"] = $argv[4]; echo 'Log: Retrieving domain from argument list: '.$argv[4].PHP_EOL; } else if($parser->_SOA["name"] == ".") { echo "Log: Domain not found. Create manually? (y/n) "; $handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r"); $line = fgets($handle); if(trim($line) == 'y'){ echo "Write domain name: "; $handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r"); $line = fgets($handle); if(trim($line)){ $parser->_SOA["name"] = trim($line); } else { echo 'Log: No domain provided.'.PHP_EOL; echo 'Log: Exiting'; exit(); } } else { echo "Log: Exiting"; exit(); } } echo 'Log: Adding domain...'.PHP_EOL; $domainAdded = $glesys->add_domain(trim($parser->_SOA["name"], '.'), array( "ttl" => $parser->_SOA["ttl"], "primarynameserver" => $parser->_SOA["origin"], "responsibleperson" => $parser->_SOA["person"], "refresh" => $parser->_SOA["refresh"], "retry" => $parser->_SOA["retry"], "expire" => $parser->_SOA["expire"], "minimum" => $parser->_SOA["minimum"] )); if(!$domainAdded) { echo 'Err: Failed to add domain!'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL; echo "Continue adding records? (y/n) "; $handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r"); $line = fgets($handle); if(trim($line) != 'y'){ echo 'Log: Exiting'; exit(); } } else { echo 'Log: Successfully added domain'.PHP_EOL; } $successfullRecords = 0; $failedRecords = 0; $ptrRecords = 0; echo 'Log: Adding '.count($parser->_records).' records...'.PHP_EOL; $failedRecordsCounter = array( 'SOA' => 0, 'A' => 0, 'AAAA' => 0, 'NS' => 0, 'MX' => 0, 'CNAME' => 0, 'PTR' => 0, 'TXT' => 0, 'SRV' => 0 ); foreach($parser->_records as $index => $record) { if(strtolower($record["type"]) == 'ptr') { if($ptrRecords == 0) { echo 'Log: No support for PTR records. Skipping...'.PHP_EOL; } $ptrRecords++; } else { $recordAdded = $glesys->add_record(array( "domainname" => trim($parser->_SOA["name"], "."), "host" => $record["name"], "ttl" => $record["ttl"], "type" => $record["type"], "data" => trim($record["data"], "\"' ") )); if($recordAdded) { $successfullRecords++; } else { $failedRecords++; $failedRecordsCounter[strtoupper($record["type"])]++; echo "Wrn: Failed to add record, continue? (y/n) "; $handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r"); $line = fgets($handle); if(trim($line) != 'y'){ echo 'Log: Exiting'; exit(); } } } }; $recordsCounter = $parser->getRecordsCounter(); foreach($failedRecordsCounter as $key => $value) { $recordsCounter[$key] -= $value; } echo PHP_EOL.'Log: --- Summary ---'.PHP_EOL; foreach($recordsCounter as $key => $value) { switch(strtoupper($key)) { case 'PTR': break; default: if($value > 0) { $spaces = 8 - strlen($key); echo 'Log: '.$key; for($i=0; $i < $spaces; $i++) { echo ' '; } echo $value.PHP_EOL; } } } echo 'Log: Total '.$successfullRecords.PHP_EOL; if($ptrRecords > 0) { echo 'Log: Skipped '.$ptrRecords.' records'.PHP_EOL; } echo 'Log: '.$failedRecords.' failed.'.PHP_EOL; exit(); /** * Cannot open file. */ define('FILE_DNS_FILE_READALL_FAILED', -1); /** * Cannot save to file. */ define('FILE_DNS_FILE_WRITE_FAILED', -2); /** * SOA Parse Failed. */ define('FILE_DNS_PARSE_SOA_FAILED', -3); /** * RR Parse failed. */ define('FILE_DNS_PARSE_RR_FAILED', -4); /** * Parsing 1X to seconds failed. */ define('FILE_DNS_PARSE_TIME_FAILED', -5); /** * Parsing seconds to 1X failed. */ define('FILE_DNS_PARSEBACK_TIME_FAILED',-6); /** * Can't render, zone not loaded yet. */ define('FILE_DNS_RENDER_NOT_LOADED', -7); /** * Can't set domain. Invalid Domain name. */ define('FILE_DNS_INVALID_DOMAIN', -8); /** * Can't update/set SOA */ define('FILE_DNS_UPDATE_SOA_FAILED', -9); // }}} // {{{ File_DNS /** * an RFC1033 style zonefile editor * * The File::DNS class provides an Object Oriented * interface to read, edit and create DNS Zonefiles. * * @category File * @package File_DNS * @author Cipriano Groenendal * @copyright 2004-2005 Cipriano Groenendal * @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0 * @version Release: @version@ * @link http://pear.php.net/package/File_DNS * @link http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1033.txt * @link http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1537.txt * @link http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2308.txt * @todo Add addRecord, delRecord functions for basic editing. * @todo Add create() function to start from scratch. * @todo Fix examples */ class File_DNS { var $recordsCounter = array( 'SOA' => 0, 'A' => 0, 'AAAA' => 0, 'NS' => 0, 'MX' => 0, 'CNAME' => 0, 'PTR' => 0, 'TXT' => 0, 'SRV' => 0 ); // {{{ properties /** * contains the domainname of the loaded zone * * The domainname will automaticly be appended * to any and all records. Unused if set to null. * * @var string * @see load, _parseZone * @access private */ var $_domain = null; /** * contains the filename of the loaded zone * * This is the currently loaded filename, and is * also used during save to write to again. * * @var string * @see load, save */ var $_filename = null; /** * SOA Record of the loaded zone. * * This contains all the relevant data stored * in the SOA (Start of Authority) record. * It's stored in an associative array, that * should be pretty self-explaining. *

         * Array

         *   (

         *       [name] => example.com.

         *       [ttl] => 345600

         *       [class] => IN

         *       [origin] => ns1.example.com.

         *       [person] => hostmaster.example.com.

         *       [serial] => 204041514

         *       [refresh] => 14400

         *       [retry] => 1800

         *       [expire] => 86400

         *       [minimum] => 10800

         *   )

* @var array * @see _parseZone, _parseSOA, setSOAValue. */ var $_SOA = array(); /** * contains all the records in this zone. * * An unindexed array of Resource Records (RR's) * for this zone. Each item is a separate RR. * It's format should be pretty self explaining. * See manual for exact definition. * * @var array * @see _parseZone */ var $_records = array(); /** * contains all supported Resource Records. * * This list contains all supported resource records. * This currently is: * * SOA * A * AAAA * NS * MX * CNAME * PTR * TXT * * @var array * @see _parseRR */ var $_types = array('SOA', 'A', 'AAAA', 'NS', 'MX', 'CNAME', 'PTR', 'TXT', 'SRV'); /** * zonefile modification check * * This checks whether the loaded zonefile has been modified. * If so, we need to generate a new serial when we render it. * * @var bool * @see generateZone, setDomainName, setTTL, * @see addRecord, replaceRecord, setRecord, delRecord */ var $_isModified = false; /** * package Version * * @var string */ var $version = '@version@'; function getRecordsCounter() { return $this->recordsCounter; } // }}} // {{{ load() /** * cleans the object, then loads the specified zonefile. * * @param string $domain domainname of this zone * @param string $zonefile filename of zonefile to load. * Can be anything that PEAR::File can read. * @param int $lock type of lock to establish on the zonefile. * Set to LOCK_SH for a shared lock (reader) * Set to LOCK_EX for an exclusive lock (writer) * Add LOCK_NB if you don't want locking to block * @return bool true on success, PEAR Error on failure. * @access public */ function load($domain, $zonefile, $lock = false) { //First, clean off the object. $this->free(); $zone = file_get_contents($zonefile); // if (PEAR::isError($zone)) { // //File package doesn't have codes associated with errors, // //so raise our own. // return PEAR::raiseError("Unable to read file $zonefile", // FILE_DNS_FILE_READALL_FAILED, // NULL, NULL, $zonefile); // } $lines = file($zonefile); foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) { if(strpos(trim($line), "\$ORIGIN") === 0) { $domain = trim(substr($line, 7)); if(strpos($domain, ";")) { $domain = trim(substr($domain, 0, strpos($domain, ";"))); } } else if(strpos(trim($line), "\$TTL") === 0) { $this->_ttl = trim(substr($line, 4)); if(strpos($this->_ttl, ";")) { $this->_ttl = trim(substr($this->_ttl, 0, strpos($this->_ttl, ";"))); } } } $ret = $this->setDomainName($domain); // if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { // return $ret; // } $this->_filename = $zonefile; $parse = $this->_parseZone($zone); $this->_isModified = false; return $parse; } // }}} // {{{ Parsing // {{{ _parseZone() /** * parses a zonefile to object * * This function parses the zonefile and saves the data * collected from it to the _domain, _SOA and _records variables. * * @param string $zone The zonefile to parse. * @return bool true on success, PEAR Error on failure. */ function _parseZone($zone) { //RFC1033: A semicolon (';') starts a comment; the //remainder of the line is ignored. $zone = preg_replace('/(;.*)$/m', '', $zone); //FIXME //There has to be an easier way to do that, but for now it'll do. //RFC1033: Parenthesis ('(',')') are used to group //data that crosses a line boundary. $zone = preg_replace_callback( '/(\([^()]*\))/', create_function( '$matches', 'return str_replace("\\n", "", $matches[0]);' ) , $zone); $zone = str_replace('(', '', $zone); $zone = str_replace(')', '', $zone); /* * Origin is the current origin(@) that we're at now. * OriginFQDN is the FQDN origin, that gets appended to * non FQDN origins. * * FQDN == Fully Qualified Domain Name. * * Example: * * $ORIGIN example.com. * $ORIGIN sub1 * @ is sub1.example.com. * $ORIGIN sub2 * @ is sub2.example.com. * $ORIGIN new.sub3.example.com. * @ is new.sub3.example.com. */ $originFQDN = $origin = $current = $this->_domain . '.'; $ttl = 86400; //RFC1537 advices this value as a default TTL. $zone = explode("\n", $zone); foreach ($zone as $line) { $line = rtrim($line); $line = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $line); $record = array(); if (!$line) { //Empty lines are stripped. } elseif (preg_match('/^\$TTL([^0-9]*)([0-9]+)/i', $line, $matches)) { //RFC 2308 defins the $TTL keyword as default TTL from here. $ttl = intval($matches[2]); } elseif (preg_match('/^\$ORIGIN (.*\.)/', $line, $matches)) { //FQDN origin. Note the trailing dot(.) $origin = $originFQDN = trim($matches[1]); } elseif (preg_match('/^\$ORIGIN (.*)/', $line, $matches)) { //New origin. Append to current origin. $origin = trim($matches[1]) . '.' . $origin; } elseif (stristr($line, ' SOA ')) { if ($this->_SOA) { //SOA already set. Only one per zone is possible. //Done parsing. //A second SOA is added by programs such as dig, //to indicate the end of a zone. break; } $soa = $this->_parseSOA($line, $origin, $ttl); // if (PEAR::isError($soa)) { // return $soa; // } $soa = $this->setSOAValue($soa); // if (PEAR::isError($soa)) { // return $soa; // } } else { $rr = $this->_parseRR($line, $origin, $ttl, $current); // if (PEAR::isError($rr)){ // return $rr; // } $current = $rr['name']; $this->_records[] = $rr; } } return true; } // }}} // {{{ _parseSOA() /** * parses a SOA (Start Of Authority) record line. * * This function returns the parsed SOA in array form. * * @param string $line the SOA line to be parsed. * Should be stripped of comments and on 1 line. * @param string $origin the current origin of this SOA record * @param int $ttl the TTL of this record * @return array array of SOA info to be saved on success, * PEAR error object on failure. */ function _parseSOA($line, $origin, $ttl) { $soa = array(); $regexp = '/(.*) SOA (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*) (\S*)/i'; preg_match($regexp, $line, $matches); if (sizeof($matches) != 9) { return PEAR::raiseError('Unable to parse SOA.', FILE_DNS_PARSE_SOA_FAILED); } $pre = explode(' ', strtolower($matches[1])); if ($pre[0] == '@') { $soa['name'] = $origin; } else { $soa['name'] = $pre[0]; } if (isset($pre[1])) { if (strtoupper($pre[1]) == 'IN') { $soa['ttl'] = $ttl; $soa['class'] = 'IN'; } else { $soa['ttl'] = $this->parseToSeconds($pre[1]); } if (isset($pre[2])) { $soa['class'] = $pre[2]; } } else { $soa['ttl'] = $ttl; $soa['class'] = 'IN'; } $soa['origin'] = $matches[2]; $soa['person'] = $matches[3]; $soa['serial'] = $matches[4]; $soa['refresh'] = $this->parseToSeconds($matches[5]); $soa['retry'] = $this->parseToSeconds($matches[6]); $soa['expire'] = $this->parseToSeconds($matches[7]); $soa['minimum'] = $this->parseToSeconds($matches[8]); // foreach (array_values($soa) as $item) { // //Scan all items to see if any are a pear error. // if (PEAR::isError($item)) { // return $item; // } // } return $soa; } // }}} // {{{ _parseRR() /** * parses a (Resource Record) into an array * * @param string $line the RR line to be parsed. * @param string $origin the current origin of this record. * @param int $ttl the TTL of this record. * @param string $current the current domainname we're working on. * @return array array of RR info to be saved on success, * PEAR error object on failure. */ function _parseRR($line, $origin, $ttl, $current) { $record = array(); $items = explode(' ', $line); $record['name'] = $items[0]; $record['ttl'] = null; $record['class'] = null; $record['type'] = null; $record['data'] = null; if (!$record['name']) { //No name specified, inherit current name. $record['name'] = $current; } elseif ($record['name'] == '@') { $record['name'] = $origin; } if (substr($record['name'], -1) != '.') { $record['name'] .= '.' . $origin; } unset($items[0]); foreach ($items as $key => $item) { $item = trim($item); if (preg_match('/^[0-9]/', $item) && is_null($record['ttl'])) { //Only a TTL can start with a number. $record['ttl'] = $this->parseToSeconds($item); } elseif ((strtoupper($item) == 'IN') && is_null($record['class'])) { //This is the class definition. $record['class'] = 'IN'; } elseif (array_search($item, $this->_types) && is_null($record['type'])) { //We found our type! if (is_null($record['ttl'])) { //TTL was left out. Use default. $record['ttl'] = $ttl; $gotTTL = 1; } if (is_null($record['class'])) { //Class was left out. Use default. $record['class'] = 'IN'; $gotClass = 1; } $record['type'] = $item; $this->recordsCounter[strtoupper($item)]++; } elseif (!is_null($record['type'])) { //We found out what type we are. This must be the data field. switch (strtoupper($record['type'])) { case 'A': case 'AAAA': case 'NS': case 'CNAME': case 'PTR': $record['data'] = $item; break 2; case 'MX': //MX have an extra element. Save both right away. //The setting itself is in the next item. $record['data'] = $item.' '.$items[$key+1]; break 2; case 'SRV': $record['data'] = $items[$key].' '.$items[$key+1].' '.$items[$key+2].' '.$items[$key+3]; break 2; case 'TXT': $record['data'] .= ' ' . $item; break 1; default: return PEAR::raiseError('Unable to parse RR. ' . $record['type'] . ' not recognized.', FILE_DNS_PARSE_RR_FAILED, NULL, NULL, $record['type']); break 2; } //We're done parsing this RR now. Break out of the loop. } else { print_r($item); echo 'Err: Unable to parse RR. ' . $item . ' not recognized'.PHP_EOL; return; } } foreach (array_values($record) as $item) { //Scan all items to see if any are a pear error. // if (PEAR::isError($item)) { // return $item; // } } return $record; } // }}} // }}} // {{{ free() /** * resets the object so one can load another file * * @return bool true */ function free() { $this->_domain = null; $this->_filename = null; $this->_SOA = array(); $this->_records = array(); $this->_isModified = false; return true; } // }}} // {{{ Saving // {{{ toString() /** * returns a string with the zonefile generated from this object. * * @param string $separator The lineending separator. Defaults to \n * @return string The generated zone, PEAR Error on failure. */ function toString($separator = "\n") { $zone = $this->_generateZone(); if (PEAR::isError($zone)) { return $zone; } $zone = implode($separator, $zone); return $zone; } // }}} // {{{ save() /** * saves the zonefile back to the file. * * @param string $filename the filename to save to. * Defaults to the loaded file. * @param string $separator the lineending separator. * Defaults to \n. * @param int $lock file-lock type to use. * Defaults to FALSE (none) * @return true true on success, PEAR Error on failure. */ function save($filename = null, $separator = "\n", $lock = false) { if ($filename == null) { $filename = $this->_filename; } $zone = $this->_generateZone(); $zone = implode($separator, $zone); $save = File::write($filename, $zone, FILE_MODE_WRITE, $lock); if (PEAR::isError($save)) { //File package doesn't have codes associated with errors, //so raise our own. return PEAR::raiseError("Unable to save file $filename", FILE_DNS_FILE_WRITE_FAILED, NULL, NULL, $filename); } return true; } // }}} // {{{ _generateZone() /** * generates a new zonefile. * * @return array The generated zonefile, PEAR Error on failure. */ function _generateZone() { $zone = array(); if (!$this->_SOA) { return PEAR::raiseError('Unable to render zone. No zone loaded.', FILE_DNS_RENDER_NOT_LOADED); } $soa = &$this->_SOA; if ($this->_isModified) { $soa['serial'] = $this->raiseSerial($soa['serial']); $this->_isModified = false; } $tabs = "\t\t\t\t"; $zone[] = '$ORIGIN ' . $this->_domain . '.'; $zone[] = implode("\t", array('@', $soa['ttl'], $soa['class'], 'SOA', $soa['origin'], $soa['person'], '(' ) ); $soa['refresh'] = $this->parseFromSeconds($soa['refresh']); $soa['retry'] = $this->parseFromSeconds($soa['retry']); $soa['expire'] = $this->parseFromSeconds($soa['expire']); $soa['minimum'] = $this->parseFromSeconds($soa['minimum']); foreach (array_values($soa) as $item) { //Scan all items to see if any are a pear error. if (PEAR::isError($item)) { return $item; } } $zone[] = $tabs . $soa['serial'] . "\t; serial"; $zone[] = $tabs . $soa['refresh'] . "\t\t; refresh"; $zone[] = $tabs . $soa['retry'] . "\t\t; retry"; $zone[] = $tabs . $soa['expire'] . "\t\t; expire"; $zone[] = $tabs . $soa['minimum'] . ")\t\t; minimum"; $zone[] = ''; foreach ($this->_records as $record) { $record['ttl'] = $this->parseFromSeconds($record['ttl']); if (PEAR::isError($record['ttl'])){ return $record['ttl']; } switch (strtoupper($record['type'])) { case 'MX': //MX have an extra element. //The setting itself is in the next item. $zone[] = implode("\t", array( $record['name'], $record['ttl'], $record['class'], $record['type'], $record['options']['MXPreference'], $record['data'])); break; case 'A': case 'AAAA': case 'NS': case 'CNAME': case 'PTR': case 'TXT': default: $zone[] = implode("\t", $record); break; } } $zone[] = ''; return $zone; } // }}} // }}} // {{{ Modifiers // }}} // {{{ Setters // {{{ setDomainName() /** * sets the domain name of the currently loaded zone. * It also handles changing all the RR's already saved. * * @param string $domain the new domain name * @param bool $migrate whether or not to change all occurances * of *.oldomain * to the new domain name. * Defaults to true. * @return bool true on success, PEAR Error on failure. */ function setDomainName($domain, $migrate = true) { $valid = '/^[A-Za-z0-9\-\_\.]*$/'; if (!preg_match($valid, $domain)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Unable to set domainname. $domain", FILE_DNS_INVALID_DOMAIN, NULL, NULL, $domain); } $oldDomain = $this->_domain; $domain = rtrim($domain, '.'); $this->_domain = $domain; if ($this->_SOA) { $this->_isModified = true; if ($migrate) { $search = '/^(.*)(' . preg_quote($oldDomain) . ')(\.)$/'; $replace = '$1' . $domain . '$3'; $this->_SOA['name'] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $this->_SOA['name'] ); $this->_SOA['origin'] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $this->_SOA['origin']); $this->_SOA['person'] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $this->_SOA['person']); foreach ($this->_records as $key => $record) { $this->_records[$key]['name'] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $this->_records[$key]['name']); $this->_records[$key]['data'] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $this->_records[$key]['data']); } } } return true; } // }}} // {{{ setSOAValue() /** * sets a specific value in the SOA field. * * This function updates the list of SOA data we have. * List of accepted key => value pairs: *

         * Array

         *   (

         *       [name] => example.com.

         *       [ttl] => 345600

         *       [class] => IN

         *       [origin] => ns1.example.com.

         *       [person] => hostmaster.example.com.

         *       [serial] => 204041514

         *       [refresh] => 14400

         *       [retry] => 1800

         *       [expire] => 86400

         *       [minimum] => 10800

         *   )

* * @param array $values A list of key -> value pairs * @return bool true on success, PEAR Error on failure. * @see _SOA */ function setSOAValue($values) { $soa = array(); if (!is_array($values)) { return PEAR::raiseError('Unable to set SOA value.', FILE_DNS_UPDATE_SOA_FAILED); } $validKeys = array('name', 'ttl', 'class', 'origin', 'person', 'serial', 'refresh', 'retry', 'expire', 'minimum'); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if (array_search($key, $validKeys) === false) { return PEAR::raiseError('Unable to set SOA value.' . $key . ' not recognized', FILE_DNS_UPDATE_SOA_FAILED, NULL, NULL, $key); } switch (strtolower($key)) { case 'person': $value = str_replace('@', '.', $value); $value = trim($value, '.') . '.'; case 'name': case 'origin': $valid = '/^[A-Za-z0-9\-\_\.]*\.$/'; if (preg_match($valid, $value)) { $soa[$key] = $value; } else { return PEAR::raiseError('Unable to set SOA value. ' . $key . ' not validl ', FILE_DNS_UPDATE_SOA_FAILED, NULL, NULL, $key); } break; case 'class': $soa[$key] = $value; break; case 'ttl': case 'serial': case 'refresh': case 'retry': case 'expire': case 'minimum': if (is_numeric($value)) { $soa[$key] = $value; } else { return PEAR::raiseError('Unable to set SOA value. ' . $key . ' not recognized', FILE_DNS_UPDATE_SOA_FAILED, NULL, NULL, $key); } break; } } //If all got parsed, save values. $this->_SOA = array_merge($this->_SOA, $soa); return true; } // }}} // {{{ setTTL() /** * sets the TTL of a specific, or not so specific, record. * * @param int $new The new TTL for this record * @param string $name The name of the record to edit. (NULL for all) * @param string $type The type of the record to edit. (NULL for all) * @param string $data The data of the record to edit. (NULL for all) * @return bool true. */ function setTTL($new, $name = NULL, $type = NULL, $data = NULL) { $new = abs(intval($new)); foreach ($this->_records as $key => $record) { if ( ( (NULL == $name) || (0 == strcasecmp($name, $record['name']) ) || (0 == strcasecmp("$name.{$this->_domain}.", $record['name']) ) ) && ( (NULL == $type) || (0 == strcasecmp($type, $record['type']) ) ) && ( (NULL == $data) || (0 == strcasecmp($data, $record['data']) ) ) ) { $this->_records[$key]['ttl'] = $new; } } return true; } // }}} // {{{ setName() /** * sets the name of a specific, or not so specific, record. * * @param string $new The new name for this record. If needed, the * current domainname will be automaticly appended. * @param string $name The name of the record to edit. (NULL for all) * @param string $type The type of the record to edit. (NULL for all) * @param string $data The data of the record to edit. (NULL for all) * @return bool true. */ function setName($new, $name = NULL, $type = NULL, $data = NULL) { $new = strval($new); $quotedDomain = preg_quote($this->_domain); if (substr($new, -1) == '.') { //String already correct. } elseif (preg_match("/$quotedDomain" . '$/i', $new)) { //String ends with this domain. Append a . $new .= '.'; } else { //Subdomain specified. Append domainname $new .= '.' . $this->_domain . '.'; } foreach ($this->_records as $key => $record) { if ( ( (NULL == $name) || (0 == strcasecmp($name, $record['name'])) || (0 == strcasecmp("$name.{$this->_domain}.", $record['name'])) ) && ( (NULL == $type) || (0 == strcasecmp($type, $record['type'])) ) && ( (NULL == $data) || (0 == strcasecmp($data, $record['data'])) ) ) { $this->_records[$key]['name'] = $new; } } return true; } // }}} // {{{ setData() /** * sets the Value of a specific, or not so specific, record. * * @param string $new The new Value for this record * @param string $name The name of the record to edit. (NULL for all) * @param string $type The type of the record to edit. (NULL for all) * @param string $data The data of the record to edit. (NULL for all) * @return bool true on success, PEAR_ERROR on error. * */ function setValue($new, $name = NULL, $type = NULL, $data = NULL) { $new = strval($new); foreach ($this->_records as $key => $record) { if ( ( (NULL == $name) || (0 == strcasecmp($name, $record['name']) ) || (0 == strcasecmp("$name.{$this->_domain}.", $record['name'])) ) && ( (NULL == $type) || (0 == strcasecmp($type, $record['type'])) ) && ( (NULL == $data ) || (0 == strcasecmp($data, $record['data']) ) ) ) { $this->_records[$key]['data'] = $new; } } return true; } // }}} // {{{ setMXPref() /** * sets the MX Preference of an MX record * to the specified value. * * @param int $pref the preference level. * @param string $server the mailserver this MX points to. (NULL for all) * @param string $name the (sub)domain this MX applies to. (NULL for all) * @return bool true on success, PEAR Error on failure. */ function setMXPref($pref, $server = NULL, $name = NULL ) { $pref = intval($pref); $quotedDomain = preg_quote($this->_domain); if ($name === NULL) { //Null filled in, leave it like that. } elseif (!$name) { //name string left empty? Set to NULL $name = NULL; } elseif (substr($name, -1) == '.') { //String already correct. } elseif (preg_match("/$quotedDomain" . '$/i', $name)) { //String ends with this domain. Append a . $name .= '.'; } else { //Subdomain specified. Append domainname $name .= '.' . $this->_domain . '.'; } if ($server === NULL) { //Null filled in, leave it like that. } elseif (!$server) { //Server string left empty? Set to NULL $server = NULL; } elseif (substr($server, -1) == '.') { //String already correct. } elseif (preg_match("/$quotedDomain" . '$/i', $server)) { //String ends with this domain. Append a . $server .= '.'; } else { //Subdomain specified. Append domainname $server .= '.' . $this->_domain . '.'; } foreach ($this->_records as $key => $record) { if ( ($record['type'] == 'MX') && ( ($server == NULL) || ($server == $record['data']) ) && ( ($name == NULL) || ($name == $record['name']) ) ) { if (!isset($this->_records[$key]['options'])) { $this->_records[$key]['options'] = array(); } $this->_records[$key]['options']['MXPreference'] = $pref; } } return true; } // }}} // }}} // {{{ Static functions // {{{ raiseSerial() /** * generate a new serial based on given one. * * This generates a new serial, based on the often used format * YYYYMMDDXX where XX is an ascending serial, * allowing up to 100 edits per day. After that the serial wraps * into the next day and it still works. * * @param int $serial Current serial * @static * @return int New serial */ function raiseSerial($serial=0) { if (substr($serial, 0, 8) == date('Ymd')) { //Serial's today. Simply raise it. $serial = $serial + 1; } elseif ($serial > date('Ymd00')) { //Serial's after today. $serial = $serial + 1; } else { //Older serial. Generate new one. $serial = date('Ymd00'); } return intval($serial); } // }}} // {{{ parseToSeconds() /** * converts a BIND-style timeout(1D, 2H, 15M) to seconds. * * @param string $time Time to convert. * @static * @return int time in seconds on success, PEAR error on failure. */ function parseToSeconds($time) { if (is_numeric($time)) { //Already a number. Return. return $time; } else { $pattern = '/([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z]+)/'; $split = preg_split($pattern, $time, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (count($split) != 2) { return PEAR::raiseError("Unable to parse time. $time", FILE_DNS_PARSE_TIME_FAILED, NULL, NULL, $time); } list($num, $what) = $split; switch (strtoupper($what)) { case 'S': $times = 1; //Seconds break; case 'M': $times = 1 * 60; //Minute break; case 'H': $times = 1 * 60 * 60; //Hour break; case 'D': $times = 1 * 60 * 60 * 24; //Day break; case 'W': $times = 1 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; //Week break; default: return PEAR::raiseError("Unable to parse time. $time", FILE_DNS_PARSE_TIME_FAILED, NULL, NULL, $time); break; } $time = $num * $times; return $time; } } // }}} // {{{ parseFromSeconds() /** * converts seconds to BIND-style timeout(1D, 2H, 15M). * * @param int seconds to convert * @static * @return string String with time on success, PEAR error on failure. * */ function parseFromSeconds($ttl) { $ttl = intval($ttl); if (!is_int($ttl)) { return PEAR::raiseError("Unable to parse time back. $ttl", FILE_DNS_PARSEBACK_TIME_FAILED, NULL, NULL, $ttl); } elseif (is_int($num = ($ttl / ( 1 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7)))) { return "$num" . 'W'; } elseif (is_int($num = ($ttl / ( 1 * 60 * 60 * 24)))) { return "$num" . 'D'; } elseif (is_int($num = ($ttl / ( 1 * 60 * 60)))) { return "$num" . 'H'; } elseif (is_int($num = ($ttl / ( 1 * 60)))) { return "$num" . 'M'; } elseif (is_int($num = ($ttl / ( 1)))) { return "$num"; } } // }}} // {{{ isIP() /** * checks if a value is an IP address or not. * * @param string Value to check. * @static * @return bool true or false. */ function isIP($value) { // http://www.regular-expressions.info/regexbuddy/ipaccurate.html $ipaccurate = '/\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}'. '(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b/'; return preg_match($ipaccurate, $value); } // }}} // {{{ apiVersion() /** * returns the API version * * @return int The API version number * @static * @access public */ function apiVersion() { return '0.1.0'; } // }}} // }}} } class glesys_api { function add_domain($domainname, $data = array()) { $args = array( 'domainname' => $this->punycode_endoce($domainname) ); if (!empty($data)) { $args = array_merge($args, $data); } $success = $this->api_request('domain/add', $args); return($success); } public function add_record($data) { $data['domainname'] = $this->punycode_endoce($data['domainname']); $success = $this->api_request('domain/addrecord', $data); return($success); } function api_request($request, $args = array()) { $url = $this->api_url . $request . '/format/json'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($ch, array( CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $args, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 0, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30, CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_USERPWD => $this->api_user . ':' . $this->api_key, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'POST', # CURLOPT_SSH_AUTH_TYPES => CURLSSH_AUTH_ANY, )); $response = curl_exec($ch); if (empty($response)) { return(false); } $this->response = json_decode($response, true); $this->response = $this->response['response']; // Just make sure the return code is 200. if ($this->response['status']['code'] != 200) { echo 'Err: Code '.$this->response['status']['code']; echo ': '.$this->response['status']['text'].PHP_EOL; print_r($this->response['debug']['input']); return(false); } // If we get here everything should be fine. return(true); } public function punycode_endoce($string) { if (empty($this->punycode)) { $this->punycode = new idna_convert(); } return($this->punycode->encode($string)); } /** * punydecode domain names */ public function punycode_dedoce($string) { if (empty($this->punycode)) { $this->punycode = new idna_convert(); } return($this->punycode->decode($string)); } } class idna_convert { // NP See below // Internal settings, do not mess with them protected $_punycode_prefix = 'xn--'; protected $_invalid_ucs = 0x80000000; protected $_max_ucs = 0x10FFFF; protected $_base = 36; protected $_tmin = 1; protected $_tmax = 26; protected $_skew = 38; protected $_damp = 700; protected $_initial_bias = 72; protected $_initial_n = 0x80; protected $_sbase = 0xAC00; protected $_lbase = 0x1100; protected $_vbase = 0x1161; protected $_tbase = 0x11A7; protected $_lcount = 19; protected $_vcount = 21; protected $_tcount = 28; protected $_ncount = 588; // _vcount * _tcount protected $_scount = 11172; // _lcount * _tcount * _vcount protected $_error = false; protected static $_mb_string_overload = null; // See {@link set_paramter()} for details of how to change the following // settings from within your script / application protected $_api_encoding = 'utf8'; // Default input charset is UTF-8 protected $_allow_overlong = false; // Overlong UTF-8 encodings are forbidden protected $_strict_mode = false; // Behave strict or not protected $_idn_version = 2003; // Can be either 2003 (old, default) or 2008 /** * the constructor * * @param array $options * @return boolean * @since 0.5.2 */ public function __construct($options = false) { $this->slast = $this->_sbase + $this->_lcount * $this->_vcount * $this->_tcount; // If parameters are given, pass these to the respective method if (is_array($options)) { $this->set_parameter($options); } // populate mbstring overloading cache if not set if (self::$_mb_string_overload === null) { self::$_mb_string_overload = (extension_loaded('mbstring') && (ini_get('mbstring.func_overload') & 0x02) === 0x02); } } /** * Sets a new option value. Available options and values: * [encoding - Use either UTF-8, UCS4 as array or UCS4 as string as input ('utf8' for UTF-8, * 'ucs4_string' and 'ucs4_array' respectively for UCS4); The output is always UTF-8] * [overlong - Unicode does not allow unnecessarily long encodings of chars, * to allow this, set this parameter to true, else to false; * default is false.] * [strict - true: strict mode, good for registration purposes - Causes errors * on failures; false: loose mode, ideal for "wildlife" applications * by silently ignoring errors and returning the original input instead * * @param mixed Parameter to set (string: single parameter; array of Parameter => Value pairs) * @param string Value to use (if parameter 1 is a string) * @return boolean true on success, false otherwise */ public function set_parameter($option, $value = false) { if (!is_array($option)) { $option = array($option => $value); } foreach ($option as $k => $v) { switch ($k) { case 'encoding': switch ($v) { case 'utf8': case 'ucs4_string': case 'ucs4_array': $this->_api_encoding = $v; break; default: $this->_error('Set Parameter: Unknown parameter '.$v.' for option '.$k); return false; } break; case 'overlong': $this->_allow_overlong = ($v) ? true : false; break; case 'strict': $this->_strict_mode = ($v) ? true : false; break; case 'idn_version': if (in_array($v, array('2003', '2008'))) { $this->_idn_version = $v; } else { $this->_error('Set Parameter: Unknown parameter '.$v.' for option '.$k); } break; case 'encode_german_sz': // Deprecated if (!$v) { self::$NP['replacemaps'][0xDF] = array(0x73, 0x73); } else { unset(self::$NP['replacemaps'][0xDF]); } break; default: $this->_error('Set Parameter: Unknown option '.$k); return false; } } return true; } /** * Decode a given ACE domain name * @param string Domain name (ACE string) * [@param string Desired output encoding, see {@link set_parameter}] * @return string Decoded Domain name (UTF-8 or UCS-4) */ public function decode($input, $one_time_encoding = false) { // Optionally set if ($one_time_encoding) { switch ($one_time_encoding) { case 'utf8': case 'ucs4_string': case 'ucs4_array': break; default: $this->_error('Unknown encoding '.$one_time_encoding); return false; } } // Make sure to drop any newline characters around $input = trim($input); // Negotiate input and try to determine, whether it is a plain string, // an email address or something like a complete URL if (strpos($input, '@')) { // Maybe it is an email address // No no in strict mode if ($this->_strict_mode) { $this->_error('Only simple domain name parts can be handled in strict mode'); return false; } list ($email_pref, $input) = explode('@', $input, 2); $arr = explode('.', $input); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('!^'.preg_quote($this->_punycode_prefix, '!').'!', $v)) { $conv = $this->_decode($v); if ($conv) $arr[$k] = $conv; } } $input = join('.', $arr); $arr = explode('.', $email_pref); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if (preg_match('!^'.preg_quote($this->_punycode_prefix, '!').'!', $v)) { $conv = $this->_decode($v); if ($conv) $arr[$k] = $conv; } } $email_pref = join('.', $arr); $return = $email_pref . '@' . $input; } elseif (preg_match('![:\./]!', $input)) { // Or a complete domain name (with or without paths / parameters) // No no in strict mode if ($this->_strict_mode) { $this->_error('Only simple domain name parts can be handled in strict mode'); return false; } $parsed = parse_url($input); if (isset($parsed['host'])) { $arr = explode('.', $parsed['host']); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { $conv = $this->_decode($v); if ($conv) $arr[$k] = $conv; } $parsed['host'] = join('.', $arr); $return = (empty($parsed['scheme']) ? '' : $parsed['scheme'].(strtolower($parsed['scheme']) == 'mailto' ? ':' : '://')) .(empty($parsed['user']) ? '' : $parsed['user'].(empty($parsed['pass']) ? '' : ':'.$parsed['pass']).'@') .$parsed['host'] .(empty($parsed['port']) ? '' : ':'.$parsed['port']) .(empty($parsed['path']) ? '' : $parsed['path']) .(empty($parsed['query']) ? '' : '?'.$parsed['query']) .(empty($parsed['fragment']) ? '' : '#'.$parsed['fragment']); } else { // parse_url seems to have failed, try without it $arr = explode('.', $input); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { $conv = $this->_decode($v); $arr[$k] = ($conv) ? $conv : $v; } $return = join('.', $arr); } } else { // Otherwise we consider it being a pure domain name string $return = $this->_decode($input); if (!$return) $return = $input; } // The output is UTF-8 by default, other output formats need conversion here // If one time encoding is given, use this, else the objects property switch (($one_time_encoding) ? $one_time_encoding : $this->_api_encoding) { case 'utf8': return $return; break; case 'ucs4_string': return $this->_ucs4_to_ucs4_string($this->_utf8_to_ucs4($return)); break; case 'ucs4_array': return $this->_utf8_to_ucs4($return); break; default: $this->_error('Unsupported output format'); return false; } } /** * Encode a given UTF-8 domain name * @param string Domain name (UTF-8 or UCS-4) * [@param string Desired input encoding, see {@link set_parameter}] * @return string Encoded Domain name (ACE string) */ public function encode($decoded, $one_time_encoding = false) { // Forcing conversion of input to UCS4 array // If one time encoding is given, use this, else the objects property switch ($one_time_encoding ? $one_time_encoding : $this->_api_encoding) { case 'utf8': $decoded = $this->_utf8_to_ucs4($decoded); break; case 'ucs4_string': $decoded = $this->_ucs4_string_to_ucs4($decoded); case 'ucs4_array': break; default: $this->_error('Unsupported input format: '.($one_time_encoding ? $one_time_encoding : $this->_api_encoding)); return false; } // No input, no output, what else did you expect? if (empty($decoded)) return ''; // Anchors for iteration $last_begin = 0; // Output string $output = ''; foreach ($decoded as $k => $v) { // Make sure to use just the plain dot switch($v) { case 0x3002: case 0xFF0E: case 0xFF61: $decoded[$k] = 0x2E; // Right, no break here, the above are converted to dots anyway // Stumbling across an anchoring character case 0x2E: case 0x2F: case 0x3A: case 0x3F: case 0x40: // Neither email addresses nor URLs allowed in strict mode if ($this->_strict_mode) { $this->_error('Neither email addresses nor URLs are allowed in strict mode.'); return false; } else { // Skip first char if ($k) { $encoded = ''; $encoded = $this->_encode(array_slice($decoded, $last_begin, (($k)-$last_begin))); if ($encoded) { $output .= $encoded; } else { $output .= $this->_ucs4_to_utf8(array_slice($decoded, $last_begin, (($k)-$last_begin))); } $output .= chr($decoded[$k]); } $last_begin = $k + 1; } } } // Catch the rest of the string if ($last_begin) { $inp_len = sizeof($decoded); $encoded = ''; $encoded = $this->_encode(array_slice($decoded, $last_begin, (($inp_len)-$last_begin))); if ($encoded) { $output .= $encoded; } else { $output .= $this->_ucs4_to_utf8(array_slice($decoded, $last_begin, (($inp_len)-$last_begin))); } return $output; } else { if ($output = $this->_encode($decoded)) { return $output; } else { return $this->_ucs4_to_utf8($decoded); } } } /** * Removes a weakness of encode(), which cannot properly handle URIs but instead encodes their * path or query components, too. * @param string $uri Expects the URI as a UTF-8 (or ASCII) string * @return string The URI encoded to Punycode, everything but the host component is left alone * @since 0.6.4 */ public function encode_uri($uri) { $parsed = parse_url($uri); if (!isset($parsed['host'])) { $this->_error('The given string does not look like a URI'); return false; } $arr = explode('.', $parsed['host']); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { $conv = $this->encode($v, 'utf8'); if ($conv) $arr[$k] = $conv; } $parsed['host'] = join('.', $arr); $return = (empty($parsed['scheme']) ? '' : $parsed['scheme'].(strtolower($parsed['scheme']) == 'mailto' ? ':' : '://')) .(empty($parsed['user']) ? '' : $parsed['user'].(empty($parsed['pass']) ? '' : ':'.$parsed['pass']).'@') .$parsed['host'] .(empty($parsed['port']) ? '' : ':'.$parsed['port']) .(empty($parsed['path']) ? '' : $parsed['path']) .(empty($parsed['query']) ? '' : '?'.$parsed['query']) .(empty($parsed['fragment']) ? '' : '#'.$parsed['fragment']); return $return; } /** * Use this method to get the last error ocurred * @param void * @return string The last error, that occured */ public function get_last_error() { return $this->_error; } /** * The actual decoding algorithm * @param string * @return mixed */ protected function _decode($encoded) { $decoded = array(); // find the Punycode prefix if (!preg_match('!^'.preg_quote($this->_punycode_prefix, '!').'!', $encoded)) { $this->_error('This is not a punycode string'); return false; } $encode_test = preg_replace('!^'.preg_quote($this->_punycode_prefix, '!').'!', '', $encoded); // If nothing left after removing the prefix, it is hopeless if (!$encode_test) { $this->_error('The given encoded string was empty'); return false; } // Find last occurence of the delimiter $delim_pos = strrpos($encoded, '-'); if ($delim_pos > self::byteLength($this->_punycode_prefix)) { for ($k = self::byteLength($this->_punycode_prefix); $k < $delim_pos; ++$k) { $decoded[] = ord($encoded{$k}); } } $deco_len = count($decoded); $enco_len = self::byteLength($encoded); // Wandering through the strings; init $is_first = true; $bias = $this->_initial_bias; $idx = 0; $char = $this->_initial_n; for ($enco_idx = ($delim_pos) ? ($delim_pos + 1) : 0; $enco_idx < $enco_len; ++$deco_len) { for ($old_idx = $idx, $w = 1, $k = $this->_base; 1 ; $k += $this->_base) { $digit = $this->_decode_digit($encoded{$enco_idx++}); $idx += $digit * $w; $t = ($k <= $bias) ? $this->_tmin : (($k >= $bias + $this->_tmax) ? $this->_tmax : ($k - $bias)); if ($digit < $t) break; $w = (int) ($w * ($this->_base - $t)); } $bias = $this->_adapt($idx - $old_idx, $deco_len + 1, $is_first); $is_first = false; $char += (int) ($idx / ($deco_len + 1)); $idx %= ($deco_len + 1); if ($deco_len > 0) { // Make room for the decoded char for ($i = $deco_len; $i > $idx; $i--) $decoded[$i] = $decoded[($i - 1)]; } $decoded[$idx++] = $char; } return $this->_ucs4_to_utf8($decoded); } /** * The actual encoding algorithm * @param string * @return mixed */ protected function _encode($decoded) { // We cannot encode a domain name containing the Punycode prefix $extract = self::byteLength($this->_punycode_prefix); $check_pref = $this->_utf8_to_ucs4($this->_punycode_prefix); $check_deco = array_slice($decoded, 0, $extract); if ($check_pref == $check_deco) { $this->_error('This is already a punycode string'); return false; } // We will not try to encode strings consisting of basic code points only $encodable = false; foreach ($decoded as $k => $v) { if ($v > 0x7a) { $encodable = true; break; } } if (!$encodable) { $this->_error('The given string does not contain encodable chars'); return false; } // Do NAMEPREP $decoded = $this->_nameprep($decoded); if (!$decoded || !is_array($decoded)) return false; // NAMEPREP failed $deco_len = count($decoded); if (!$deco_len) return false; // Empty array $codecount = 0; // How many chars have been consumed $encoded = ''; // Copy all basic code points to output for ($i = 0; $i < $deco_len; ++$i) { $test = $decoded[$i]; // Will match [-0-9a-zA-Z] if ((0x2F < $test && $test < 0x40) || (0x40 < $test && $test < 0x5B) || (0x60 < $test && $test <= 0x7B) || (0x2D == $test)) { $encoded .= chr($decoded[$i]); $codecount++; } } if ($codecount == $deco_len) return $encoded; // All codepoints were basic ones // Start with the prefix; copy it to output $encoded = $this->_punycode_prefix.$encoded; // If we have basic code points in output, add an hyphen to the end if ($codecount) $encoded .= '-'; // Now find and encode all non-basic code points $is_first = true; $cur_code = $this->_initial_n; $bias = $this->_initial_bias; $delta = 0; while ($codecount < $deco_len) { // Find the smallest code point >= the current code point and // remember the last ouccrence of it in the input for ($i = 0, $next_code = $this->_max_ucs; $i < $deco_len; $i++) { if ($decoded[$i] >= $cur_code && $decoded[$i] <= $next_code) { $next_code = $decoded[$i]; } } $delta += ($next_code - $cur_code) * ($codecount + 1); $cur_code = $next_code; // Scan input again and encode all characters whose code point is $cur_code for ($i = 0; $i < $deco_len; $i++) { if ($decoded[$i] < $cur_code) { $delta++; } elseif ($decoded[$i] == $cur_code) { for ($q = $delta, $k = $this->_base; 1; $k += $this->_base) { $t = ($k <= $bias) ? $this->_tmin : (($k >= $bias + $this->_tmax) ? $this->_tmax : $k - $bias); if ($q < $t) break; $encoded .= $this->_encode_digit(intval($t + (($q - $t) % ($this->_base - $t)))); //v0.4.5 Changed from ceil() to intval() $q = (int) (($q - $t) / ($this->_base - $t)); } $encoded .= $this->_encode_digit($q); $bias = $this->_adapt($delta, $codecount+1, $is_first); $codecount++; $delta = 0; $is_first = false; } } $delta++; $cur_code++; } return $encoded; } /** * Adapt the bias according to the current code point and position * @param int $delta * @param int $npoints * @param int $is_first * @return int */ protected function _adapt($delta, $npoints, $is_first) { $delta = intval($is_first ? ($delta / $this->_damp) : ($delta / 2)); $delta += intval($delta / $npoints); for ($k = 0; $delta > (($this->_base - $this->_tmin) * $this->_tmax) / 2; $k += $this->_base) { $delta = intval($delta / ($this->_base - $this->_tmin)); } return intval($k + ($this->_base - $this->_tmin + 1) * $delta / ($delta + $this->_skew)); } /** * Encoding a certain digit * @param int $d * @return string */ protected function _encode_digit($d) { return chr($d + 22 + 75 * ($d < 26)); } /** * Decode a certain digit * @param int $cp * @return int */ protected function _decode_digit($cp) { $cp = ord($cp); return ($cp - 48 < 10) ? $cp - 22 : (($cp - 65 < 26) ? $cp - 65 : (($cp - 97 < 26) ? $cp - 97 : $this->_base)); } /** * Internal error handling method * @param string $error */ protected function _error($error = '') { $this->_error = $error; } /** * Do Nameprep according to RFC3491 and RFC3454 * @param array Unicode Characters * @return string Unicode Characters, Nameprep'd */ protected function _nameprep($input) { $output = array(); $error = false; // // Mapping // Walking through the input array, performing the required steps on each of // the input chars and putting the result into the output array // While mapping required chars we apply the cannonical ordering foreach ($input as $v) { // Map to nothing == skip that code point if (in_array($v, self::$NP['map_nothing'])) continue; // Try to find prohibited input if (in_array($v, self::$NP['prohibit']) || in_array($v, self::$NP['general_prohibited'])) { $this->_error('NAMEPREP: Prohibited input U+'.sprintf('%08X', $v)); return false; } foreach (self::$NP['prohibit_ranges'] as $range) { if ($range[0] <= $v && $v <= $range[1]) { $this->_error('NAMEPREP: Prohibited input U+'.sprintf('%08X', $v)); return false; } } if (0xAC00 <= $v && $v <= 0xD7AF) { // Hangul syllable decomposition foreach ($this->_hangul_decompose($v) as $out) { $output[] = (int) $out; } } elseif (($this->_idn_version == '2003') && isset(self::$NP['replacemaps'][$v])) { // There's a decomposition mapping for that code point // Decompositions only in version 2003 (original) of IDNA foreach ($this->_apply_cannonical_ordering(self::$NP['replacemaps'][$v]) as $out) { $output[] = (int) $out; } } else { $output[] = (int) $v; } } // Before applying any Combining, try to rearrange any Hangul syllables $output = $this->_hangul_compose($output); // // Combine code points // $last_class = 0; $last_starter = 0; $out_len = count($output); for ($i = 0; $i < $out_len; ++$i) { $class = $this->_get_combining_class($output[$i]); if ((!$last_class || $last_class > $class) && $class) { // Try to match $seq_len = $i - $last_starter; $out = $this->_combine(array_slice($output, $last_starter, $seq_len)); // On match: Replace the last starter with the composed character and remove // the now redundant non-starter(s) if ($out) { $output[$last_starter] = $out; if (count($out) != $seq_len) { for ($j = $i+1; $j < $out_len; ++$j) $output[$j-1] = $output[$j]; unset($output[$out_len]); } // Rewind the for loop by one, since there can be more possible compositions $i--; $out_len--; $last_class = ($i == $last_starter) ? 0 : $this->_get_combining_class($output[$i-1]); continue; } } // The current class is 0 if (!$class) $last_starter = $i; $last_class = $class; } return $output; } /** * Decomposes a Hangul syllable * (see http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/#Hangul * @param integer 32bit UCS4 code point * @return array Either Hangul Syllable decomposed or original 32bit value as one value array */ protected function _hangul_decompose($char) { $sindex = (int) $char - $this->_sbase; if ($sindex < 0 || $sindex >= $this->_scount) return array($char); $result = array(); $result[] = (int) $this->_lbase + $sindex / $this->_ncount; $result[] = (int) $this->_vbase + ($sindex % $this->_ncount) / $this->_tcount; $T = intval($this->_tbase + $sindex % $this->_tcount); if ($T != $this->_tbase) $result[] = $T; return $result; } /** * Ccomposes a Hangul syllable * (see http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/#Hangul * @param array Decomposed UCS4 sequence * @return array UCS4 sequence with syllables composed */ protected function _hangul_compose($input) { $inp_len = count($input); if (!$inp_len) return array(); $result = array(); $last = (int) $input[0]; $result[] = $last; // copy first char from input to output for ($i = 1; $i < $inp_len; ++$i) { $char = (int) $input[$i]; $sindex = $last - $this->_sbase; $lindex = $last - $this->_lbase; $vindex = $char - $this->_vbase; $tindex = $char - $this->_tbase; // Find out, whether two current characters are LV and T if (0 <= $sindex && $sindex < $this->_scount && ($sindex % $this->_tcount == 0) && 0 <= $tindex && $tindex <= $this->_tcount) { // create syllable of form LVT $last += $tindex; $result[(count($result) - 1)] = $last; // reset last continue; // discard char } // Find out, whether two current characters form L and V if (0 <= $lindex && $lindex < $this->_lcount && 0 <= $vindex && $vindex < $this->_vcount) { // create syllable of form LV $last = (int) $this->_sbase + ($lindex * $this->_vcount + $vindex) * $this->_tcount; $result[(count($result) - 1)] = $last; // reset last continue; // discard char } // if neither case was true, just add the character $last = $char; $result[] = $char; } return $result; } /** * Returns the combining class of a certain wide char * @param integer Wide char to check (32bit integer) * @return integer Combining class if found, else 0 */ protected function _get_combining_class($char) { return isset(self::$NP['norm_combcls'][$char]) ? self::$NP['norm_combcls'][$char] : 0; } /** * Applies the cannonical ordering of a decomposed UCS4 sequence * @param array Decomposed UCS4 sequence * @return array Ordered USC4 sequence */ protected function _apply_cannonical_ordering($input) { $swap = true; $size = count($input); while ($swap) { $swap = false; $last = $this->_get_combining_class(intval($input[0])); for ($i = 0; $i < $size-1; ++$i) { $next = $this->_get_combining_class(intval($input[$i+1])); if ($next != 0 && $last > $next) { // Move item leftward until it fits for ($j = $i + 1; $j > 0; --$j) { if ($this->_get_combining_class(intval($input[$j-1])) <= $next) break; $t = intval($input[$j]); $input[$j] = intval($input[$j-1]); $input[$j-1] = $t; $swap = true; } // Reentering the loop looking at the old character again $next = $last; } $last = $next; } } return $input; } /** * Do composition of a sequence of starter and non-starter * @param array UCS4 Decomposed sequence * @return array Ordered USC4 sequence */ protected function _combine($input) { $inp_len = count($input); if (0 == $inp_len) { return false; } foreach (self::$NP['replacemaps'] as $np_src => $np_target) { if ($np_target[0] != $input[0]) continue; if (count($np_target) != $inp_len) continue; $hit = false; foreach ($input as $k2 => $v2) { if ($v2 == $np_target[$k2]) { $hit = true; } else { $hit = false; break; } } if ($hit) return $np_src; } return false; } /** * This converts an UTF-8 encoded string to its UCS-4 representation * By talking about UCS-4 "strings" we mean arrays of 32bit integers representing * each of the "chars". This is due to PHP not being able to handle strings with * bit depth different from 8. This apllies to the reverse method _ucs4_to_utf8(), too. * The following UTF-8 encodings are supported: * bytes bits representation * 1 7 0xxxxxxx * 2 11 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx * 3 16 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx * 4 21 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx * 5 26 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx * 6 31 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx * Each x represents a bit that can be used to store character data. * The five and six byte sequences are part of Annex D of ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 * @param string $input * @return string */ protected function _utf8_to_ucs4($input) { $output = array(); $out_len = 0; $inp_len = self::byteLength($input); $mode = 'next'; $test = 'none'; for ($k = 0; $k < $inp_len; ++$k) { $v = ord($input{$k}); // Extract byte from input string if ($v < 128) { // We found an ASCII char - put into stirng as is $output[$out_len] = $v; ++$out_len; if ('add' == $mode) { $this->_error('Conversion from UTF-8 to UCS-4 failed: malformed input at byte '.$k); return false; } continue; } if ('next' == $mode) { // Try to find the next start byte; determine the width of the Unicode char $start_byte = $v; $mode = 'add'; $test = 'range'; if ($v >> 5 == 6) { // &110xxxxx 10xxxxx $next_byte = 0; // Tells, how many times subsequent bitmasks must rotate 6bits to the left $v = ($v - 192) << 6; } elseif ($v >> 4 == 14) { // &1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx $next_byte = 1; $v = ($v - 224) << 12; } elseif ($v >> 3 == 30) { // &11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx $next_byte = 2; $v = ($v - 240) << 18; } elseif ($v >> 2 == 62) { // &111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx $next_byte = 3; $v = ($v - 248) << 24; } elseif ($v >> 1 == 126) { // &1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx $next_byte = 4; $v = ($v - 252) << 30; } else { $this->_error('This might be UTF-8, but I don\'t understand it at byte '.$k); return false; } if ('add' == $mode) { $output[$out_len] = (int) $v; ++$out_len; continue; } } if ('add' == $mode) { if (!$this->_allow_overlong && $test == 'range') { $test = 'none'; if (($v < 0xA0 && $start_byte == 0xE0) || ($v < 0x90 && $start_byte == 0xF0) || ($v > 0x8F && $start_byte == 0xF4)) { $this->_error('Bogus UTF-8 character detected (out of legal range) at byte '.$k); return false; } } if ($v >> 6 == 2) { // Bit mask must be 10xxxxxx $v = ($v - 128) << ($next_byte * 6); $output[($out_len - 1)] += $v; --$next_byte; } else { $this->_error('Conversion from UTF-8 to UCS-4 failed: malformed input at byte '.$k); return false; } if ($next_byte < 0) { $mode = 'next'; } } } // for return $output; } /** * Convert UCS-4 string into UTF-8 string * See _utf8_to_ucs4() for details * @param string $input * @return string */ protected function _ucs4_to_utf8($input) { $output = ''; foreach ($input as $k => $v) { if ($v < 128) { // 7bit are transferred literally $output .= chr($v); } elseif ($v < (1 << 11)) { // 2 bytes $output .= chr(192+($v >> 6)).chr(128+($v & 63)); } elseif ($v < (1 << 16)) { // 3 bytes $output .= chr(224+($v >> 12)).chr(128+(($v >> 6) & 63)).chr(128+($v & 63)); } elseif ($v < (1 << 21)) { // 4 bytes $output .= chr(240+($v >> 18)).chr(128+(($v >> 12) & 63)).chr(128+(($v >> 6) & 63)).chr(128+($v & 63)); } else { $this->_error('Conversion from UCS-4 to UTF-8 failed: malformed input at byte '.$k); return false; } } return $output; } /** * Convert UCS-4 array into UCS-4 string * * @param array $input * @return string */ protected function _ucs4_to_ucs4_string($input) { $output = ''; // Take array values and split output to 4 bytes per value // The bit mask is 255, which reads &11111111 foreach ($input as $v) { $output .= chr(($v >> 24) & 255).chr(($v >> 16) & 255).chr(($v >> 8) & 255).chr($v & 255); } return $output; } /** * Convert UCS-4 strin into UCS-4 garray * * @param string $input * @return array */ protected function _ucs4_string_to_ucs4($input) { $output = array(); $inp_len = self::byteLength($input); // Input length must be dividable by 4 if ($inp_len % 4) { $this->_error('Input UCS4 string is broken'); return false; } // Empty input - return empty output if (!$inp_len) return $output; for ($i = 0, $out_len = -1; $i < $inp_len; ++$i) { // Increment output position every 4 input bytes if (!($i % 4)) { $out_len++; $output[$out_len] = 0; } $output[$out_len] += ord($input{$i}) << (8 * (3 - ($i % 4) ) ); } return $output; } /** * Gets the length of a string in bytes even if mbstring function * overloading is turned on * * @param string $string the string for which to get the length. * @return integer the length of the string in bytes. */ protected static function byteLength($string) { if (self::$_mb_string_overload) { return mb_strlen($string, '8bit'); } return strlen((binary) $string); } /** * Attempts to return a concrete IDNA instance. * * @param array $params Set of paramaters * @return idna_convert * @access public */ public function getInstance($params = array()) { return new idna_convert($params); } /** * Attempts to return a concrete IDNA instance for either php4 or php5, * only creating a new instance if no IDNA instance with the same * parameters currently exists. * * @param array $params Set of paramaters * * @return object idna_convert * @access public */ public function singleton($params = array()) { static $instances; if (!isset($instances)) { $instances = array(); } $signature = serialize($params); if (!isset($instances[$signature])) { $instances[$signature] = idna_convert::getInstance($params); } return $instances[$signature]; } /** * Holds all relevant mapping tables * See RFC3454 for details * * @private array * @since 0.5.2 */ protected static $NP = array ('map_nothing' => array(0xAD, 0x34F, 0x1806, 0x180B, 0x180C, 0x180D, 0x200B, 0x200C ,0x200D, 0x2060, 0xFE00, 0xFE01, 0xFE02, 0xFE03, 0xFE04, 0xFE05, 0xFE06, 0xFE07 ,0xFE08, 0xFE09, 0xFE0A, 0xFE0B, 0xFE0C, 0xFE0D, 0xFE0E, 0xFE0F, 0xFEFF ) ,'general_prohibited' => array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 ,20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 ,33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 ,43, 44, 47, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 0x3002 ) ,'prohibit' => array(0xA0, 0x340, 0x341, 0x6DD, 0x70F, 0x1680, 0x180E, 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003 ,0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200A, 0x200B, 0x200C, 0x200D, 0x200E, 0x200F ,0x2028, 0x2029, 0x202A, 0x202B, 0x202C, 0x202D, 0x202E, 0x202F, 0x205F, 0x206A, 0x206B, 0x206C ,0x206D, 0x206E, 0x206F, 0x3000, 0xFEFF, 0xFFF9, 0xFFFA, 0xFFFB, 0xFFFC, 0xFFFD, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFF ,0x1FFFE, 0x1FFFF, 0x2FFFE, 0x2FFFF, 0x3FFFE, 0x3FFFF, 0x4FFFE, 0x4FFFF, 0x5FFFE, 0x5FFFF, 0x6FFFE ,0x6FFFF, 0x7FFFE, 0x7FFFF, 0x8FFFE, 0x8FFFF, 0x9FFFE, 0x9FFFF, 0xAFFFE, 0xAFFFF, 0xBFFFE, 0xBFFFF ,0xCFFFE, 0xCFFFF, 0xDFFFE, 0xDFFFF, 0xE0001, 0xEFFFE, 0xEFFFF, 0xFFFFE, 0xFFFFF, 0x10FFFE, 0x10FFFF ) ,'prohibit_ranges' => array(array(0x80, 0x9F), array(0x2060, 0x206F), array(0x1D173, 0x1D17A) ,array(0xE000, 0xF8FF) ,array(0xF0000, 0xFFFFD), array(0x100000, 0x10FFFD) ,array(0xFDD0, 0xFDEF), array(0xD800, 0xDFFF), array(0x2FF0, 0x2FFB), array(0xE0020, 0xE007F) ) ,'replacemaps' => array(0x41 => array(0x61), 0x42 => array(0x62), 0x43 => array(0x63) ,0x44 => array(0x64), 0x45 => array(0x65), 0x46 => array(0x66), 0x47 => array(0x67) ,0x48 => array(0x68), 0x49 => array(0x69), 0x4A => array(0x6A), 0x4B => array(0x6B) ,0x4C => array(0x6C), 0x4D => array(0x6D), 0x4E => array(0x6E), 0x4F => array(0x6F) ,0x50 => array(0x70), 0x51 => array(0x71), 0x52 => array(0x72), 0x53 => array(0x73) ,0x54 => array(0x74), 0x55 => array(0x75), 0x56 => array(0x76), 0x57 => array(0x77) ,0x58 => array(0x78), 0x59 => array(0x79), 0x5A => array(0x7A), 0xB5 => array(0x3BC) ,0xC0 => array(0xE0), 0xC1 => array(0xE1), 0xC2 => array(0xE2), 0xC3 => array(0xE3) ,0xC4 => array(0xE4), 0xC5 => array(0xE5), 0xC6 => array(0xE6), 0xC7 => array(0xE7) ,0xC8 => array(0xE8), 0xC9 => array(0xE9), 0xCA => array(0xEA), 0xCB => array(0xEB) ,0xCC => array(0xEC), 0xCD => array(0xED), 0xCE => array(0xEE), 0xCF => array(0xEF) ,0xD0 => array(0xF0), 0xD1 => array(0xF1), 0xD2 => array(0xF2), 0xD3 => array(0xF3) ,0xD4 => array(0xF4), 0xD5 => array(0xF5), 0xD6 => array(0xF6), 0xD8 => array(0xF8) ,0xD9 => array(0xF9), 0xDA => array(0xFA), 0xDB => array(0xFB), 0xDC => array(0xFC) ,0xDD => array(0xFD), 0xDE => array(0xFE), 0xDF => array(0x73, 0x73) ,0x100 => array(0x101), 0x102 => array(0x103), 0x104 => array(0x105) ,0x106 => array(0x107), 0x108 => array(0x109), 0x10A => array(0x10B) ,0x10C => array(0x10D), 0x10E => array(0x10F), 0x110 => array(0x111) ,0x112 => array(0x113), 0x114 => array(0x115), 0x116 => array(0x117) ,0x118 => array(0x119), 0x11A => array(0x11B), 0x11C => array(0x11D) ,0x11E => array(0x11F), 0x120 => array(0x121), 0x122 => array(0x123) ,0x124 => array(0x125), 0x126 => array(0x127), 0x128 => array(0x129) ,0x12A => array(0x12B), 0x12C => array(0x12D), 0x12E => array(0x12F) ,0x130 => array(0x69, 0x307), 0x132 => array(0x133), 0x134 => array(0x135) ,0x136 => array(0x137), 0x139 => array(0x13A), 0x13B => array(0x13C) ,0x13D => array(0x13E), 0x13F => array(0x140), 0x141 => array(0x142) ,0x143 => array(0x144), 0x145 => array(0x146), 0x147 => array(0x148) ,0x149 => array(0x2BC, 0x6E), 0x14A => array(0x14B), 0x14C => array(0x14D) ,0x14E => array(0x14F), 0x150 => array(0x151), 0x152 => array(0x153) ,0x154 => array(0x155), 0x156 => array(0x157), 0x158 => array(0x159) ,0x15A => array(0x15B), 0x15C => array(0x15D), 0x15E => array(0x15F) ,0x160 => array(0x161), 0x162 => array(0x163), 0x164 => array(0x165) ,0x166 => array(0x167), 0x168 => array(0x169), 0x16A => array(0x16B) ,0x16C => array(0x16D), 0x16E => array(0x16F), 0x170 => array(0x171) ,0x172 => array(0x173), 0x174 => array(0x175), 0x176 => array(0x177) ,0x178 => array(0xFF), 0x179 => array(0x17A), 0x17B => array(0x17C) ,0x17D => array(0x17E), 0x17F => array(0x73), 0x181 => array(0x253) ,0x182 => array(0x183), 0x184 => array(0x185), 0x186 => array(0x254) ,0x187 => array(0x188), 0x189 => array(0x256), 0x18A => array(0x257) ,0x18B => array(0x18C), 0x18E => array(0x1DD), 0x18F => array(0x259) ,0x190 => array(0x25B), 0x191 => array(0x192), 0x193 => array(0x260) ,0x194 => array(0x263), 0x196 => array(0x269), 0x197 => array(0x268) ,0x198 => array(0x199), 0x19C => array(0x26F), 0x19D => array(0x272) ,0x19F => array(0x275), 0x1A0 => array(0x1A1), 0x1A2 => array(0x1A3) ,0x1A4 => array(0x1A5), 0x1A6 => array(0x280), 0x1A7 => array(0x1A8) ,0x1A9 => array(0x283), 0x1AC => array(0x1AD), 0x1AE => array(0x288) ,0x1AF => array(0x1B0), 0x1B1 => array(0x28A), 0x1B2 => array(0x28B) ,0x1B3 => array(0x1B4), 0x1B5 => array(0x1B6), 0x1B7 => array(0x292) ,0x1B8 => array(0x1B9), 0x1BC => array(0x1BD), 0x1C4 => array(0x1C6) ,0x1C5 => array(0x1C6), 0x1C7 => array(0x1C9), 0x1C8 => array(0x1C9) ,0x1CA => array(0x1CC), 0x1CB => array(0x1CC), 0x1CD => array(0x1CE) ,0x1CF => array(0x1D0), 0x1D1 => array(0x1D2), 0x1D3 => array(0x1D4) ,0x1D5 => array(0x1D6), 0x1D7 => array(0x1D8), 0x1D9 => array(0x1DA) ,0x1DB => array(0x1DC), 0x1DE => array(0x1DF), 0x1E0 => array(0x1E1) ,0x1E2 => array(0x1E3), 0x1E4 => array(0x1E5), 0x1E6 => array(0x1E7) ,0x1E8 => array(0x1E9), 0x1EA => array(0x1EB), 0x1EC => array(0x1ED) ,0x1EE => array(0x1EF), 0x1F0 => array(0x6A, 0x30C), 0x1F1 => array(0x1F3) ,0x1F2 => array(0x1F3), 0x1F4 => array(0x1F5), 0x1F6 => array(0x195) ,0x1F7 => array(0x1BF), 0x1F8 => array(0x1F9), 0x1FA => array(0x1FB) ,0x1FC => array(0x1FD), 0x1FE => array(0x1FF), 0x200 => array(0x201) ,0x202 => array(0x203), 0x204 => array(0x205), 0x206 => array(0x207) ,0x208 => array(0x209), 0x20A => array(0x20B), 0x20C => array(0x20D) ,0x20E => array(0x20F), 0x210 => array(0x211), 0x212 => array(0x213) ,0x214 => array(0x215), 0x216 => array(0x217), 0x218 => array(0x219) ,0x21A => array(0x21B), 0x21C => array(0x21D), 0x21E => array(0x21F) ,0x220 => array(0x19E), 0x222 => array(0x223), 0x224 => array(0x225) ,0x226 => array(0x227), 0x228 => array(0x229), 0x22A => array(0x22B) ,0x22C => array(0x22D), 0x22E => array(0x22F), 0x230 => array(0x231) ,0x232 => array(0x233), 0x345 => array(0x3B9), 0x37A => array(0x20, 0x3B9) ,0x386 => array(0x3AC), 0x388 => array(0x3AD), 0x389 => array(0x3AE) ,0x38A => array(0x3AF), 0x38C => array(0x3CC), 0x38E => array(0x3CD) ,0x38F => array(0x3CE), 0x390 => array(0x3B9, 0x308, 0x301) ,0x391 => array(0x3B1), 0x392 => array(0x3B2), 0x393 => array(0x3B3) ,0x394 => array(0x3B4), 0x395 => array(0x3B5), 0x396 => array(0x3B6) ,0x397 => array(0x3B7), 0x398 => array(0x3B8), 0x399 => array(0x3B9) ,0x39A => array(0x3BA), 0x39B => array(0x3BB), 0x39C => array(0x3BC) ,0x39D => array(0x3BD), 0x39E => array(0x3BE), 0x39F => array(0x3BF) ,0x3A0 => array(0x3C0), 0x3A1 => array(0x3C1), 0x3A3 => array(0x3C3) ,0x3A4 => array(0x3C4), 0x3A5 => array(0x3C5), 0x3A6 => array(0x3C6) ,0x3A7 => array(0x3C7), 0x3A8 => array(0x3C8), 0x3A9 => array(0x3C9) ,0x3AA => array(0x3CA), 0x3AB => array(0x3CB), 0x3B0 => array(0x3C5, 0x308, 0x301) ,0x3C2 => array(0x3C3), 0x3D0 => array(0x3B2), 0x3D1 => array(0x3B8) ,0x3D2 => array(0x3C5), 0x3D3 => array(0x3CD), 0x3D4 => array(0x3CB) ,0x3D5 => array(0x3C6), 0x3D6 => array(0x3C0), 0x3D8 => array(0x3D9) ,0x3DA => array(0x3DB), 0x3DC => array(0x3DD), 0x3DE => array(0x3DF) ,0x3E0 => array(0x3E1), 0x3E2 => array(0x3E3), 0x3E4 => array(0x3E5) ,0x3E6 => array(0x3E7), 0x3E8 => array(0x3E9), 0x3EA => array(0x3EB) ,0x3EC => array(0x3ED), 0x3EE => array(0x3EF), 0x3F0 => array(0x3BA) ,0x3F1 => array(0x3C1), 0x3F2 => array(0x3C3), 0x3F4 => array(0x3B8) ,0x3F5 => array(0x3B5), 0x400 => array(0x450), 0x401 => array(0x451) ,0x402 => array(0x452), 0x403 => array(0x453), 0x404 => array(0x454) ,0x405 => array(0x455), 0x406 => array(0x456), 0x407 => array(0x457) ,0x408 => array(0x458), 0x409 => array(0x459), 0x40A => array(0x45A) ,0x40B => array(0x45B), 0x40C => array(0x45C), 0x40D => array(0x45D) ,0x40E => array(0x45E), 0x40F => array(0x45F), 0x410 => array(0x430) ,0x411 => array(0x431), 0x412 => array(0x432), 0x413 => array(0x433) ,0x414 => array(0x434), 0x415 => array(0x435), 0x416 => array(0x436) ,0x417 => array(0x437), 0x418 => array(0x438), 0x419 => array(0x439) ,0x41A => array(0x43A), 0x41B => array(0x43B), 0x41C => array(0x43C) ,0x41D => array(0x43D), 0x41E => array(0x43E), 0x41F => array(0x43F) ,0x420 => array(0x440), 0x421 => array(0x441), 0x422 => array(0x442) ,0x423 => array(0x443), 0x424 => array(0x444), 0x425 => array(0x445) ,0x426 => array(0x446), 0x427 => array(0x447), 0x428 => array(0x448) ,0x429 => array(0x449), 0x42A => array(0x44A), 0x42B => array(0x44B) ,0x42C => array(0x44C), 0x42D => array(0x44D), 0x42E => array(0x44E) ,0x42F => array(0x44F), 0x460 => array(0x461), 0x462 => array(0x463) ,0x464 => array(0x465), 0x466 => array(0x467), 0x468 => array(0x469) ,0x46A => array(0x46B), 0x46C => array(0x46D), 0x46E => array(0x46F) ,0x470 => array(0x471), 0x472 => array(0x473), 0x474 => array(0x475) ,0x476 => array(0x477), 0x478 => array(0x479), 0x47A => array(0x47B) ,0x47C => array(0x47D), 0x47E => array(0x47F), 0x480 => array(0x481) ,0x48A => array(0x48B), 0x48C => array(0x48D), 0x48E => array(0x48F) ,0x490 => array(0x491), 0x492 => array(0x493), 0x494 => array(0x495) ,0x496 => array(0x497), 0x498 => array(0x499), 0x49A => array(0x49B) ,0x49C => array(0x49D), 0x49E => array(0x49F), 0x4A0 => array(0x4A1) ,0x4A2 => array(0x4A3), 0x4A4 => array(0x4A5), 0x4A6 => array(0x4A7) ,0x4A8 => array(0x4A9), 0x4AA => array(0x4AB), 0x4AC => array(0x4AD) ,0x4AE => array(0x4AF), 0x4B0 => array(0x4B1), 0x4B2 => array(0x4B3) ,0x4B4 => array(0x4B5), 0x4B6 => array(0x4B7), 0x4B8 => array(0x4B9) ,0x4BA => array(0x4BB), 0x4BC => array(0x4BD), 0x4BE => array(0x4BF) ,0x4C1 => array(0x4C2), 0x4C3 => array(0x4C4), 0x4C5 => array(0x4C6) ,0x4C7 => array(0x4C8), 0x4C9 => array(0x4CA), 0x4CB => array(0x4CC) ,0x4CD => array(0x4CE), 0x4D0 => array(0x4D1), 0x4D2 => array(0x4D3) ,0x4D4 => array(0x4D5), 0x4D6 => array(0x4D7), 0x4D8 => array(0x4D9) ,0x4DA => array(0x4DB), 0x4DC => array(0x4DD), 0x4DE => array(0x4DF) ,0x4E0 => array(0x4E1), 0x4E2 => array(0x4E3), 0x4E4 => array(0x4E5) ,0x4E6 => array(0x4E7), 0x4E8 => array(0x4E9), 0x4EA => array(0x4EB) ,0x4EC => array(0x4ED), 0x4EE => array(0x4EF), 0x4F0 => array(0x4F1) ,0x4F2 => array(0x4F3), 0x4F4 => array(0x4F5), 0x4F8 => array(0x4F9) ,0x500 => array(0x501), 0x502 => array(0x503), 0x504 => array(0x505) ,0x506 => array(0x507), 0x508 => array(0x509), 0x50A => array(0x50B) ,0x50C => array(0x50D), 0x50E => array(0x50F), 0x531 => array(0x561) ,0x532 => array(0x562), 0x533 => array(0x563), 0x534 => array(0x564) ,0x535 => array(0x565), 0x536 => array(0x566), 0x537 => array(0x567) ,0x538 => array(0x568), 0x539 => array(0x569), 0x53A => array(0x56A) ,0x53B => array(0x56B), 0x53C => array(0x56C), 0x53D => array(0x56D) ,0x53E => array(0x56E), 0x53F => array(0x56F), 0x540 => array(0x570) ,0x541 => array(0x571), 0x542 => array(0x572), 0x543 => array(0x573) ,0x544 => array(0x574), 0x545 => array(0x575), 0x546 => array(0x576) ,0x547 => array(0x577), 0x548 => array(0x578), 0x549 => array(0x579) ,0x54A => array(0x57A), 0x54B => array(0x57B), 0x54C => array(0x57C) ,0x54D => array(0x57D), 0x54E => array(0x57E), 0x54F => array(0x57F) ,0x550 => array(0x580), 0x551 => array(0x581), 0x552 => array(0x582) ,0x553 => array(0x583), 0x554 => array(0x584), 0x555 => array(0x585) ,0x556 => array(0x586), 0x587 => array(0x565, 0x582), 0xE33 => array(0xE4D, 0xE32) ,0x1E00 => array(0x1E01), 0x1E02 => array(0x1E03), 0x1E04 => array(0x1E05) ,0x1E06 => array(0x1E07), 0x1E08 => array(0x1E09), 0x1E0A => array(0x1E0B) ,0x1E0C => array(0x1E0D), 0x1E0E => array(0x1E0F), 0x1E10 => array(0x1E11) ,0x1E12 => array(0x1E13), 0x1E14 => array(0x1E15), 0x1E16 => array(0x1E17) ,0x1E18 => array(0x1E19), 0x1E1A => array(0x1E1B), 0x1E1C => array(0x1E1D) ,0x1E1E => array(0x1E1F), 0x1E20 => array(0x1E21), 0x1E22 => array(0x1E23) ,0x1E24 => array(0x1E25), 0x1E26 => array(0x1E27), 0x1E28 => array(0x1E29) ,0x1E2A => array(0x1E2B), 0x1E2C => array(0x1E2D), 0x1E2E => array(0x1E2F) ,0x1E30 => array(0x1E31), 0x1E32 => array(0x1E33), 0x1E34 => array(0x1E35) ,0x1E36 => array(0x1E37), 0x1E38 => array(0x1E39), 0x1E3A => array(0x1E3B) ,0x1E3C => array(0x1E3D), 0x1E3E => array(0x1E3F), 0x1E40 => array(0x1E41) ,0x1E42 => array(0x1E43), 0x1E44 => array(0x1E45), 0x1E46 => array(0x1E47) ,0x1E48 => array(0x1E49), 0x1E4A => array(0x1E4B), 0x1E4C => array(0x1E4D) ,0x1E4E => array(0x1E4F), 0x1E50 => array(0x1E51), 0x1E52 => array(0x1E53) ,0x1E54 => array(0x1E55), 0x1E56 => array(0x1E57), 0x1E58 => array(0x1E59) ,0x1E5A => array(0x1E5B), 0x1E5C => array(0x1E5D), 0x1E5E => array(0x1E5F) ,0x1E60 => array(0x1E61), 0x1E62 => array(0x1E63), 0x1E64 => array(0x1E65) ,0x1E66 => array(0x1E67), 0x1E68 => array(0x1E69), 0x1E6A => array(0x1E6B) ,0x1E6C => array(0x1E6D), 0x1E6E => array(0x1E6F), 0x1E70 => array(0x1E71) ,0x1E72 => array(0x1E73), 0x1E74 => array(0x1E75), 0x1E76 => array(0x1E77) ,0x1E78 => array(0x1E79), 0x1E7A => array(0x1E7B), 0x1E7C => array(0x1E7D) ,0x1E7E => array(0x1E7F), 0x1E80 => array(0x1E81), 0x1E82 => array(0x1E83) ,0x1E84 => array(0x1E85), 0x1E86 => array(0x1E87), 0x1E88 => array(0x1E89) ,0x1E8A => array(0x1E8B), 0x1E8C => array(0x1E8D), 0x1E8E => array(0x1E8F) ,0x1E90 => array(0x1E91), 0x1E92 => array(0x1E93), 0x1E94 => array(0x1E95) ,0x1E96 => array(0x68, 0x331), 0x1E97 => array(0x74, 0x308), 0x1E98 => array(0x77, 0x30A) ,0x1E99 => array(0x79, 0x30A), 0x1E9A => array(0x61, 0x2BE), 0x1E9B => array(0x1E61) ,0x1EA0 => array(0x1EA1), 0x1EA2 => array(0x1EA3), 0x1EA4 => array(0x1EA5) ,0x1EA6 => array(0x1EA7), 0x1EA8 => array(0x1EA9), 0x1EAA => array(0x1EAB) ,0x1EAC => array(0x1EAD), 0x1EAE => array(0x1EAF), 0x1EB0 => array(0x1EB1) ,0x1EB2 => array(0x1EB3), 0x1EB4 => array(0x1EB5), 0x1EB6 => array(0x1EB7) ,0x1EB8 => array(0x1EB9), 0x1EBA => array(0x1EBB), 0x1EBC => array(0x1EBD) ,0x1EBE => array(0x1EBF), 0x1EC0 => array(0x1EC1), 0x1EC2 => array(0x1EC3) ,0x1EC4 => array(0x1EC5), 0x1EC6 => array(0x1EC7), 0x1EC8 => array(0x1EC9) ,0x1ECA => array(0x1ECB), 0x1ECC => array(0x1ECD), 0x1ECE => array(0x1ECF) ,0x1ED0 => array(0x1ED1), 0x1ED2 => array(0x1ED3), 0x1ED4 => array(0x1ED5) ,0x1ED6 => array(0x1ED7), 0x1ED8 => array(0x1ED9), 0x1EDA => array(0x1EDB) ,0x1EDC => array(0x1EDD), 0x1EDE => array(0x1EDF), 0x1EE0 => array(0x1EE1) ,0x1EE2 => array(0x1EE3), 0x1EE4 => array(0x1EE5), 0x1EE6 => array(0x1EE7) ,0x1EE8 => array(0x1EE9), 0x1EEA => array(0x1EEB), 0x1EEC => array(0x1EED) ,0x1EEE => array(0x1EEF), 0x1EF0 => array(0x1EF1), 0x1EF2 => array(0x1EF3) ,0x1EF4 => array(0x1EF5), 0x1EF6 => array(0x1EF7), 0x1EF8 => array(0x1EF9) ,0x1F08 => array(0x1F00), 0x1F09 => array(0x1F01), 0x1F0A => array(0x1F02) ,0x1F0B => array(0x1F03), 0x1F0C => array(0x1F04), 0x1F0D => array(0x1F05) ,0x1F0E => array(0x1F06), 0x1F0F => array(0x1F07), 0x1F18 => array(0x1F10) ,0x1F19 => array(0x1F11), 0x1F1A => array(0x1F12), 0x1F1B => array(0x1F13) ,0x1F1C => array(0x1F14), 0x1F1D => array(0x1F15), 0x1F28 => array(0x1F20) ,0x1F29 => array(0x1F21), 0x1F2A => array(0x1F22), 0x1F2B => array(0x1F23) ,0x1F2C => array(0x1F24), 0x1F2D => array(0x1F25), 0x1F2E => array(0x1F26) ,0x1F2F => array(0x1F27), 0x1F38 => array(0x1F30), 0x1F39 => array(0x1F31) ,0x1F3A => array(0x1F32), 0x1F3B => array(0x1F33), 0x1F3C => array(0x1F34) ,0x1F3D => array(0x1F35), 0x1F3E => array(0x1F36), 0x1F3F => array(0x1F37) ,0x1F48 => array(0x1F40), 0x1F49 => array(0x1F41), 0x1F4A => array(0x1F42) ,0x1F4B => array(0x1F43), 0x1F4C => array(0x1F44), 0x1F4D => array(0x1F45) ,0x1F50 => array(0x3C5, 0x313), 0x1F52 => array(0x3C5, 0x313, 0x300) ,0x1F54 => array(0x3C5, 0x313, 0x301), 0x1F56 => array(0x3C5, 0x313, 0x342) ,0x1F59 => array(0x1F51), 0x1F5B => array(0x1F53), 0x1F5D => array(0x1F55) ,0x1F5F => array(0x1F57), 0x1F68 => array(0x1F60), 0x1F69 => array(0x1F61) ,0x1F6A => array(0x1F62), 0x1F6B => array(0x1F63), 0x1F6C => array(0x1F64) ,0x1F6D => array(0x1F65), 0x1F6E => array(0x1F66), 0x1F6F => array(0x1F67) ,0x1F80 => array(0x1F00, 0x3B9), 0x1F81 => array(0x1F01, 0x3B9) ,0x1F82 => array(0x1F02, 0x3B9), 0x1F83 => array(0x1F03, 0x3B9) ,0x1F84 => array(0x1F04, 0x3B9), 0x1F85 => array(0x1F05, 0x3B9) ,0x1F86 => array(0x1F06, 0x3B9), 0x1F87 => array(0x1F07, 0x3B9) ,0x1F88 => array(0x1F00, 0x3B9), 0x1F89 => array(0x1F01, 0x3B9) ,0x1F8A => array(0x1F02, 0x3B9), 0x1F8B => array(0x1F03, 0x3B9) ,0x1F8C => array(0x1F04, 0x3B9), 0x1F8D => array(0x1F05, 0x3B9) ,0x1F8E => array(0x1F06, 0x3B9), 0x1F8F => array(0x1F07, 0x3B9) ,0x1F90 => array(0x1F20, 0x3B9), 0x1F91 => array(0x1F21, 0x3B9) ,0x1F92 => array(0x1F22, 0x3B9), 0x1F93 => array(0x1F23, 0x3B9) ,0x1F94 => array(0x1F24, 0x3B9), 0x1F95 => array(0x1F25, 0x3B9) ,0x1F96 => array(0x1F26, 0x3B9), 0x1F97 => array(0x1F27, 0x3B9) ,0x1F98 => array(0x1F20, 0x3B9), 0x1F99 => array(0x1F21, 0x3B9) ,0x1F9A => array(0x1F22, 0x3B9), 0x1F9B => array(0x1F23, 0x3B9) ,0x1F9C => array(0x1F24, 0x3B9), 0x1F9D => array(0x1F25, 0x3B9) ,0x1F9E => array(0x1F26, 0x3B9), 0x1F9F => array(0x1F27, 0x3B9) ,0x1FA0 => array(0x1F60, 0x3B9), 0x1FA1 => array(0x1F61, 0x3B9) ,0x1FA2 => array(0x1F62, 0x3B9), 0x1FA3 => array(0x1F63, 0x3B9) ,0x1FA4 => array(0x1F64, 0x3B9), 0x1FA5 => array(0x1F65, 0x3B9) ,0x1FA6 => array(0x1F66, 0x3B9), 0x1FA7 => array(0x1F67, 0x3B9) ,0x1FA8 => array(0x1F60, 0x3B9), 0x1FA9 => array(0x1F61, 0x3B9) ,0x1FAA => array(0x1F62, 0x3B9), 0x1FAB => array(0x1F63, 0x3B9) ,0x1FAC => array(0x1F64, 0x3B9), 0x1FAD => array(0x1F65, 0x3B9) ,0x1FAE => array(0x1F66, 0x3B9), 0x1FAF => array(0x1F67, 0x3B9) ,0x1FB2 => array(0x1F70, 0x3B9), 0x1FB3 => array(0x3B1, 0x3B9) ,0x1FB4 => array(0x3AC, 0x3B9), 0x1FB6 => array(0x3B1, 0x342) ,0x1FB7 => array(0x3B1, 0x342, 0x3B9), 0x1FB8 => array(0x1FB0) ,0x1FB9 => array(0x1FB1), 0x1FBA => array(0x1F70), 0x1FBB => array(0x1F71) ,0x1FBC => array(0x3B1, 0x3B9), 0x1FBE => array(0x3B9) ,0x1FC2 => array(0x1F74, 0x3B9), 0x1FC3 => array(0x3B7, 0x3B9) ,0x1FC4 => array(0x3AE, 0x3B9), 0x1FC6 => array(0x3B7, 0x342) ,0x1FC7 => array(0x3B7, 0x342, 0x3B9), 0x1FC8 => array(0x1F72) ,0x1FC9 => array(0x1F73), 0x1FCA => array(0x1F74), 0x1FCB => array(0x1F75) ,0x1FCC => array(0x3B7, 0x3B9), 0x1FD2 => array(0x3B9, 0x308, 0x300) ,0x1FD3 => array(0x3B9, 0x308, 0x301), 0x1FD6 => array(0x3B9, 0x342) ,0x1FD7 => array(0x3B9, 0x308, 0x342), 0x1FD8 => array(0x1FD0) ,0x1FD9 => array(0x1FD1), 0x1FDA => array(0x1F76) ,0x1FDB => array(0x1F77), 0x1FE2 => array(0x3C5, 0x308, 0x300) ,0x1FE3 => array(0x3C5, 0x308, 0x301), 0x1FE4 => array(0x3C1, 0x313) ,0x1FE6 => array(0x3C5, 0x342), 0x1FE7 => array(0x3C5, 0x308, 0x342) ,0x1FE8 => array(0x1FE0), 0x1FE9 => array(0x1FE1) ,0x1FEA => array(0x1F7A), 0x1FEB => array(0x1F7B) ,0x1FEC => array(0x1FE5), 0x1FF2 => array(0x1F7C, 0x3B9) ,0x1FF3 => array(0x3C9, 0x3B9), 0x1FF4 => array(0x3CE, 0x3B9) ,0x1FF6 => array(0x3C9, 0x342), 0x1FF7 => array(0x3C9, 0x342, 0x3B9) ,0x1FF8 => array(0x1F78), 0x1FF9 => array(0x1F79), 0x1FFA => array(0x1F7C) ,0x1FFB => array(0x1F7D), 0x1FFC => array(0x3C9, 0x3B9) ,0x20A8 => array(0x72, 0x73), 0x2102 => array(0x63), 0x2103 => array(0xB0, 0x63) ,0x2107 => array(0x25B), 0x2109 => array(0xB0, 0x66), 0x210B => array(0x68) ,0x210C => array(0x68), 0x210D => array(0x68), 0x2110 => array(0x69) ,0x2111 => array(0x69), 0x2112 => array(0x6C), 0x2115 => array(0x6E) ,0x2116 => array(0x6E, 0x6F), 0x2119 => array(0x70), 0x211A => array(0x71) ,0x211B => array(0x72), 0x211C => array(0x72), 0x211D => array(0x72) ,0x2120 => array(0x73, 0x6D), 0x2121 => array(0x74, 0x65, 0x6C) ,0x2122 => array(0x74, 0x6D), 0x2124 => array(0x7A), 0x2126 => array(0x3C9) ,0x2128 => array(0x7A), 0x212A => array(0x6B), 0x212B => array(0xE5) ,0x212C => array(0x62), 0x212D => array(0x63), 0x2130 => array(0x65) ,0x2131 => array(0x66), 0x2133 => array(0x6D), 0x213E => array(0x3B3) ,0x213F => array(0x3C0), 0x2145 => array(0x64) ,0x2160 => array(0x2170) ,0x2161 => array(0x2171), 0x2162 => array(0x2172), 0x2163 => array(0x2173) ,0x2164 => array(0x2174), 0x2165 => array(0x2175), 0x2166 => array(0x2176) ,0x2167 => array(0x2177), 0x2168 => array(0x2178), 0x2169 => array(0x2179) ,0x216A => array(0x217A), 0x216B => array(0x217B), 0x216C => array(0x217C) ,0x216D => array(0x217D), 0x216E => array(0x217E), 0x216F => array(0x217F) ,0x24B6 => array(0x24D0), 0x24B7 => array(0x24D1), 0x24B8 => array(0x24D2) ,0x24B9 => array(0x24D3), 0x24BA => array(0x24D4), 0x24BB => array(0x24D5) ,0x24BC => array(0x24D6), 0x24BD => array(0x24D7), 0x24BE => array(0x24D8) ,0x24BF => array(0x24D9), 0x24C0 => array(0x24DA), 0x24C1 => array(0x24DB) ,0x24C2 => array(0x24DC), 0x24C3 => array(0x24DD), 0x24C4 => array(0x24DE) ,0x24C5 => array(0x24DF), 0x24C6 => array(0x24E0), 0x24C7 => array(0x24E1) ,0x24C8 => array(0x24E2), 0x24C9 => array(0x24E3), 0x24CA => array(0x24E4) ,0x24CB => array(0x24E5), 0x24CC => array(0x24E6), 0x24CD => array(0x24E7) ,0x24CE => array(0x24E8), 0x24CF => array(0x24E9), 0x3371 => array(0x68, 0x70, 0x61) ,0x3373 => array(0x61, 0x75), 0x3375 => array(0x6F, 0x76) ,0x3380 => array(0x70, 0x61), 0x3381 => array(0x6E, 0x61) ,0x3382 => array(0x3BC, 0x61), 0x3383 => array(0x6D, 0x61) ,0x3384 => array(0x6B, 0x61), 0x3385 => array(0x6B, 0x62) ,0x3386 => array(0x6D, 0x62), 0x3387 => array(0x67, 0x62) ,0x338A => array(0x70, 0x66), 0x338B => array(0x6E, 0x66) ,0x338C => array(0x3BC, 0x66), 0x3390 => array(0x68, 0x7A) ,0x3391 => array(0x6B, 0x68, 0x7A), 0x3392 => array(0x6D, 0x68, 0x7A) ,0x3393 => array(0x67, 0x68, 0x7A), 0x3394 => array(0x74, 0x68, 0x7A) ,0x33A9 => array(0x70, 0x61), 0x33AA => array(0x6B, 0x70, 0x61) ,0x33AB => array(0x6D, 0x70, 0x61), 0x33AC => array(0x67, 0x70, 0x61) ,0x33B4 => array(0x70, 0x76), 0x33B5 => array(0x6E, 0x76) ,0x33B6 => array(0x3BC, 0x76), 0x33B7 => array(0x6D, 0x76) ,0x33B8 => array(0x6B, 0x76), 0x33B9 => array(0x6D, 0x76) ,0x33BA => array(0x70, 0x77), 0x33BB => array(0x6E, 0x77) ,0x33BC => array(0x3BC, 0x77), 0x33BD => array(0x6D, 0x77) ,0x33BE => array(0x6B, 0x77), 0x33BF => array(0x6D, 0x77) ,0x33C0 => array(0x6B, 0x3C9), 0x33C1 => array(0x6D, 0x3C9) /* ,0x33C2 => array(0x61, 0x2E, 0x6D, 0x2E) */ ,0x33C3 => array(0x62, 0x71), 0x33C6 => array(0x63, 0x2215, 0x6B, 0x67) ,0x33C7 => array(0x63, 0x6F, 0x2E), 0x33C8 => array(0x64, 0x62) ,0x33C9 => array(0x67, 0x79), 0x33CB => array(0x68, 0x70) ,0x33CD => array(0x6B, 0x6B), 0x33CE => array(0x6B, 0x6D) ,0x33D7 => array(0x70, 0x68), 0x33D9 => array(0x70, 0x70, 0x6D) ,0x33DA => array(0x70, 0x72), 0x33DC => array(0x73, 0x76) ,0x33DD => array(0x77, 0x62), 0xFB00 => array(0x66, 0x66) ,0xFB01 => array(0x66, 0x69), 0xFB02 => array(0x66, 0x6C) ,0xFB03 => array(0x66, 0x66, 0x69), 0xFB04 => array(0x66, 0x66, 0x6C) ,0xFB05 => array(0x73, 0x74), 0xFB06 => array(0x73, 0x74) ,0xFB13 => array(0x574, 0x576), 0xFB14 => array(0x574, 0x565) ,0xFB15 => array(0x574, 0x56B), 0xFB16 => array(0x57E, 0x576) ,0xFB17 => array(0x574, 0x56D), 0xFF21 => array(0xFF41) ,0xFF22 => array(0xFF42), 0xFF23 => array(0xFF43), 0xFF24 => array(0xFF44) ,0xFF25 => array(0xFF45), 0xFF26 => array(0xFF46), 0xFF27 => array(0xFF47) ,0xFF28 => array(0xFF48), 0xFF29 => array(0xFF49), 0xFF2A => array(0xFF4A) ,0xFF2B => array(0xFF4B), 0xFF2C => array(0xFF4C), 0xFF2D => array(0xFF4D) ,0xFF2E => array(0xFF4E), 0xFF2F => array(0xFF4F), 0xFF30 => array(0xFF50) ,0xFF31 => array(0xFF51), 0xFF32 => array(0xFF52), 0xFF33 => array(0xFF53) ,0xFF34 => array(0xFF54), 0xFF35 => array(0xFF55), 0xFF36 => array(0xFF56) ,0xFF37 => array(0xFF57), 0xFF38 => array(0xFF58), 0xFF39 => array(0xFF59) ,0xFF3A => array(0xFF5A), 0x10400 => array(0x10428), 0x10401 => array(0x10429) ,0x10402 => array(0x1042A), 0x10403 => array(0x1042B), 0x10404 => array(0x1042C) ,0x10405 => array(0x1042D), 0x10406 => array(0x1042E), 0x10407 => array(0x1042F) ,0x10408 => array(0x10430), 0x10409 => array(0x10431), 0x1040A => array(0x10432) ,0x1040B => array(0x10433), 0x1040C => array(0x10434), 0x1040D => array(0x10435) ,0x1040E => array(0x10436), 0x1040F => array(0x10437), 0x10410 => array(0x10438) ,0x10411 => array(0x10439), 0x10412 => array(0x1043A), 0x10413 => array(0x1043B) ,0x10414 => array(0x1043C), 0x10415 => array(0x1043D), 0x10416 => array(0x1043E) ,0x10417 => array(0x1043F), 0x10418 => array(0x10440), 0x10419 => array(0x10441) ,0x1041A => array(0x10442), 0x1041B => array(0x10443), 0x1041C => array(0x10444) ,0x1041D => array(0x10445), 0x1041E => array(0x10446), 0x1041F => array(0x10447) ,0x10420 => array(0x10448), 0x10421 => array(0x10449), 0x10422 => array(0x1044A) ,0x10423 => array(0x1044B), 0x10424 => array(0x1044C), 0x10425 => array(0x1044D) ,0x1D400 => array(0x61), 0x1D401 => array(0x62), 0x1D402 => array(0x63) ,0x1D403 => array(0x64), 0x1D404 => array(0x65), 0x1D405 => array(0x66) ,0x1D406 => array(0x67), 0x1D407 => array(0x68), 0x1D408 => array(0x69) ,0x1D409 => array(0x6A), 0x1D40A => array(0x6B), 0x1D40B => array(0x6C) ,0x1D40C => array(0x6D), 0x1D40D => array(0x6E), 0x1D40E => array(0x6F) ,0x1D40F => array(0x70), 0x1D410 => array(0x71), 0x1D411 => array(0x72) ,0x1D412 => array(0x73), 0x1D413 => array(0x74), 0x1D414 => array(0x75) ,0x1D415 => array(0x76), 0x1D416 => array(0x77), 0x1D417 => array(0x78) ,0x1D418 => array(0x79), 0x1D419 => array(0x7A), 0x1D434 => array(0x61) ,0x1D435 => array(0x62), 0x1D436 => array(0x63), 0x1D437 => array(0x64) ,0x1D438 => array(0x65), 0x1D439 => array(0x66), 0x1D43A => array(0x67) ,0x1D43B => array(0x68), 0x1D43C => array(0x69), 0x1D43D => array(0x6A) ,0x1D43E => array(0x6B), 0x1D43F => array(0x6C), 0x1D440 => array(0x6D) ,0x1D441 => array(0x6E), 0x1D442 => array(0x6F), 0x1D443 => array(0x70) ,0x1D444 => array(0x71), 0x1D445 => array(0x72), 0x1D446 => array(0x73) ,0x1D447 => array(0x74), 0x1D448 => array(0x75), 0x1D449 => array(0x76) ,0x1D44A => array(0x77), 0x1D44B => array(0x78), 0x1D44C => array(0x79) ,0x1D44D => array(0x7A), 0x1D468 => array(0x61), 0x1D469 => array(0x62) ,0x1D46A => array(0x63), 0x1D46B => array(0x64), 0x1D46C => array(0x65) ,0x1D46D => array(0x66), 0x1D46E => array(0x67), 0x1D46F => array(0x68) ,0x1D470 => array(0x69), 0x1D471 => array(0x6A), 0x1D472 => array(0x6B) ,0x1D473 => array(0x6C), 0x1D474 => array(0x6D), 0x1D475 => array(0x6E) ,0x1D476 => array(0x6F), 0x1D477 => array(0x70), 0x1D478 => array(0x71) ,0x1D479 => array(0x72), 0x1D47A => array(0x73), 0x1D47B => array(0x74) ,0x1D47C => array(0x75), 0x1D47D => array(0x76), 0x1D47E => array(0x77) ,0x1D47F => array(0x78), 0x1D480 => array(0x79), 0x1D481 => array(0x7A) ,0x1D49C => array(0x61), 0x1D49E => array(0x63), 0x1D49F => array(0x64) ,0x1D4A2 => array(0x67), 0x1D4A5 => array(0x6A), 0x1D4A6 => array(0x6B) ,0x1D4A9 => array(0x6E), 0x1D4AA => array(0x6F), 0x1D4AB => array(0x70) ,0x1D4AC => array(0x71), 0x1D4AE => array(0x73), 0x1D4AF => array(0x74) ,0x1D4B0 => array(0x75), 0x1D4B1 => array(0x76), 0x1D4B2 => array(0x77) ,0x1D4B3 => array(0x78), 0x1D4B4 => array(0x79), 0x1D4B5 => array(0x7A) ,0x1D4D0 => array(0x61), 0x1D4D1 => array(0x62), 0x1D4D2 => array(0x63) ,0x1D4D3 => array(0x64), 0x1D4D4 => array(0x65), 0x1D4D5 => array(0x66) ,0x1D4D6 => array(0x67), 0x1D4D7 => array(0x68), 0x1D4D8 => array(0x69) ,0x1D4D9 => array(0x6A), 0x1D4DA => array(0x6B), 0x1D4DB => array(0x6C) ,0x1D4DC => array(0x6D), 0x1D4DD => array(0x6E), 0x1D4DE => array(0x6F) ,0x1D4DF => array(0x70), 0x1D4E0 => array(0x71), 0x1D4E1 => array(0x72) ,0x1D4E2 => array(0x73), 0x1D4E3 => array(0x74), 0x1D4E4 => array(0x75) ,0x1D4E5 => array(0x76), 0x1D4E6 => array(0x77), 0x1D4E7 => array(0x78) ,0x1D4E8 => array(0x79), 0x1D4E9 => array(0x7A), 0x1D504 => array(0x61) ,0x1D505 => array(0x62), 0x1D507 => array(0x64), 0x1D508 => array(0x65) ,0x1D509 => array(0x66), 0x1D50A => array(0x67), 0x1D50D => array(0x6A) ,0x1D50E => array(0x6B), 0x1D50F => array(0x6C), 0x1D510 => array(0x6D) ,0x1D511 => array(0x6E), 0x1D512 => array(0x6F), 0x1D513 => array(0x70) ,0x1D514 => array(0x71), 0x1D516 => array(0x73), 0x1D517 => array(0x74) ,0x1D518 => array(0x75), 0x1D519 => array(0x76), 0x1D51A => array(0x77) ,0x1D51B => array(0x78), 0x1D51C => array(0x79), 0x1D538 => array(0x61) ,0x1D539 => array(0x62), 0x1D53B => array(0x64), 0x1D53C => array(0x65) ,0x1D53D => array(0x66), 0x1D53E => array(0x67), 0x1D540 => array(0x69) ,0x1D541 => array(0x6A), 0x1D542 => array(0x6B), 0x1D543 => array(0x6C) ,0x1D544 => array(0x6D), 0x1D546 => array(0x6F), 0x1D54A => array(0x73) ,0x1D54B => array(0x74), 0x1D54C => array(0x75), 0x1D54D => array(0x76) ,0x1D54E => array(0x77), 0x1D54F => array(0x78), 0x1D550 => array(0x79) ,0x1D56C => array(0x61), 0x1D56D => array(0x62), 0x1D56E => array(0x63) ,0x1D56F => array(0x64), 0x1D570 => array(0x65), 0x1D571 => array(0x66) ,0x1D572 => array(0x67), 0x1D573 => array(0x68), 0x1D574 => array(0x69) ,0x1D575 => array(0x6A), 0x1D576 => array(0x6B), 0x1D577 => array(0x6C) ,0x1D578 => array(0x6D), 0x1D579 => array(0x6E), 0x1D57A => array(0x6F) ,0x1D57B => array(0x70), 0x1D57C => array(0x71), 0x1D57D => array(0x72) ,0x1D57E => array(0x73), 0x1D57F => array(0x74), 0x1D580 => array(0x75) ,0x1D581 => array(0x76), 0x1D582 => array(0x77), 0x1D583 => array(0x78) ,0x1D584 => array(0x79), 0x1D585 => array(0x7A), 0x1D5A0 => array(0x61) ,0x1D5A1 => array(0x62), 0x1D5A2 => array(0x63), 0x1D5A3 => array(0x64) ,0x1D5A4 => array(0x65), 0x1D5A5 => array(0x66), 0x1D5A6 => array(0x67) ,0x1D5A7 => array(0x68), 0x1D5A8 => array(0x69), 0x1D5A9 => array(0x6A) ,0x1D5AA => array(0x6B), 0x1D5AB => array(0x6C), 0x1D5AC => array(0x6D) ,0x1D5AD => array(0x6E), 0x1D5AE => array(0x6F), 0x1D5AF => array(0x70) ,0x1D5B0 => array(0x71), 0x1D5B1 => array(0x72), 0x1D5B2 => array(0x73) ,0x1D5B3 => array(0x74), 0x1D5B4 => array(0x75), 0x1D5B5 => array(0x76) ,0x1D5B6 => array(0x77), 0x1D5B7 => array(0x78), 0x1D5B8 => array(0x79) ,0x1D5B9 => array(0x7A), 0x1D5D4 => array(0x61), 0x1D5D5 => array(0x62) ,0x1D5D6 => array(0x63), 0x1D5D7 => array(0x64), 0x1D5D8 => array(0x65) ,0x1D5D9 => array(0x66), 0x1D5DA => array(0x67), 0x1D5DB => array(0x68) ,0x1D5DC => array(0x69), 0x1D5DD => array(0x6A), 0x1D5DE => array(0x6B) ,0x1D5DF => array(0x6C), 0x1D5E0 => array(0x6D), 0x1D5E1 => array(0x6E) ,0x1D5E2 => array(0x6F), 0x1D5E3 => array(0x70), 0x1D5E4 => array(0x71) ,0x1D5E5 => array(0x72), 0x1D5E6 => array(0x73), 0x1D5E7 => array(0x74) ,0x1D5E8 => array(0x75), 0x1D5E9 => array(0x76), 0x1D5EA => array(0x77) ,0x1D5EB => array(0x78), 0x1D5EC => array(0x79), 0x1D5ED => array(0x7A) ,0x1D608 => array(0x61), 0x1D609 => array(0x62) ,0x1D60A => array(0x63) ,0x1D60B => array(0x64), 0x1D60C => array(0x65), 0x1D60D => array(0x66) ,0x1D60E => array(0x67), 0x1D60F => array(0x68), 0x1D610 => array(0x69) ,0x1D611 => array(0x6A), 0x1D612 => array(0x6B), 0x1D613 => array(0x6C) ,0x1D614 => array(0x6D), 0x1D615 => array(0x6E), 0x1D616 => array(0x6F) ,0x1D617 => array(0x70), 0x1D618 => array(0x71), 0x1D619 => array(0x72) ,0x1D61A => array(0x73), 0x1D61B => array(0x74), 0x1D61C => array(0x75) ,0x1D61D => array(0x76), 0x1D61E => array(0x77), 0x1D61F => array(0x78) ,0x1D620 => array(0x79), 0x1D621 => array(0x7A), 0x1D63C => array(0x61) ,0x1D63D => array(0x62), 0x1D63E => array(0x63), 0x1D63F => array(0x64) ,0x1D640 => array(0x65), 0x1D641 => array(0x66), 0x1D642 => array(0x67) ,0x1D643 => array(0x68), 0x1D644 => array(0x69), 0x1D645 => array(0x6A) ,0x1D646 => array(0x6B), 0x1D647 => array(0x6C), 0x1D648 => array(0x6D) ,0x1D649 => array(0x6E), 0x1D64A => array(0x6F), 0x1D64B => array(0x70) ,0x1D64C => array(0x71), 0x1D64D => array(0x72), 0x1D64E => array(0x73) ,0x1D64F => array(0x74), 0x1D650 => array(0x75), 0x1D651 => array(0x76) ,0x1D652 => array(0x77), 0x1D653 => array(0x78), 0x1D654 => array(0x79) ,0x1D655 => array(0x7A), 0x1D670 => array(0x61), 0x1D671 => array(0x62) ,0x1D672 => array(0x63), 0x1D673 => array(0x64), 0x1D674 => array(0x65) ,0x1D675 => array(0x66), 0x1D676 => array(0x67), 0x1D677 => array(0x68) ,0x1D678 => array(0x69), 0x1D679 => array(0x6A), 0x1D67A => array(0x6B) ,0x1D67B => array(0x6C), 0x1D67C => array(0x6D), 0x1D67D => array(0x6E) ,0x1D67E => array(0x6F), 0x1D67F => array(0x70), 0x1D680 => array(0x71) ,0x1D681 => array(0x72), 0x1D682 => array(0x73), 0x1D683 => array(0x74) ,0x1D684 => array(0x75), 0x1D685 => array(0x76), 0x1D686 => array(0x77) ,0x1D687 => array(0x78), 0x1D688 => array(0x79), 0x1D689 => array(0x7A) ,0x1D6A8 => array(0x3B1), 0x1D6A9 => array(0x3B2), 0x1D6AA => array(0x3B3) ,0x1D6AB => array(0x3B4), 0x1D6AC => array(0x3B5), 0x1D6AD => array(0x3B6) ,0x1D6AE => array(0x3B7), 0x1D6AF => array(0x3B8), 0x1D6B0 => array(0x3B9) ,0x1D6B1 => array(0x3BA), 0x1D6B2 => array(0x3BB), 0x1D6B3 => array(0x3BC) ,0x1D6B4 => array(0x3BD), 0x1D6B5 => array(0x3BE), 0x1D6B6 => array(0x3BF) ,0x1D6B7 => array(0x3C0), 0x1D6B8 => array(0x3C1), 0x1D6B9 => array(0x3B8) ,0x1D6BA => array(0x3C3), 0x1D6BB => array(0x3C4), 0x1D6BC => array(0x3C5) ,0x1D6BD => array(0x3C6), 0x1D6BE => array(0x3C7), 0x1D6BF => array(0x3C8) ,0x1D6C0 => array(0x3C9), 0x1D6D3 => array(0x3C3), 0x1D6E2 => array(0x3B1) ,0x1D6E3 => array(0x3B2), 0x1D6E4 => array(0x3B3), 0x1D6E5 => array(0x3B4) ,0x1D6E6 => array(0x3B5), 0x1D6E7 => array(0x3B6), 0x1D6E8 => array(0x3B7) ,0x1D6E9 => array(0x3B8), 0x1D6EA => array(0x3B9), 0x1D6EB => array(0x3BA) ,0x1D6EC => array(0x3BB), 0x1D6ED => array(0x3BC), 0x1D6EE => array(0x3BD) ,0x1D6EF => array(0x3BE), 0x1D6F0 => array(0x3BF), 0x1D6F1 => array(0x3C0) ,0x1D6F2 => array(0x3C1), 0x1D6F3 => array(0x3B8) ,0x1D6F4 => array(0x3C3) ,0x1D6F5 => array(0x3C4), 0x1D6F6 => array(0x3C5), 0x1D6F7 => array(0x3C6) ,0x1D6F8 => array(0x3C7), 0x1D6F9 => array(0x3C8) ,0x1D6FA => array(0x3C9) ,0x1D70D => array(0x3C3), 0x1D71C => array(0x3B1), 0x1D71D => array(0x3B2) ,0x1D71E => array(0x3B3), 0x1D71F => array(0x3B4), 0x1D720 => array(0x3B5) ,0x1D721 => array(0x3B6), 0x1D722 => array(0x3B7), 0x1D723 => array(0x3B8) ,0x1D724 => array(0x3B9), 0x1D725 => array(0x3BA), 0x1D726 => array(0x3BB) ,0x1D727 => array(0x3BC), 0x1D728 => array(0x3BD), 0x1D729 => array(0x3BE) ,0x1D72A => array(0x3BF), 0x1D72B => array(0x3C0), 0x1D72C => array(0x3C1) ,0x1D72D => array(0x3B8), 0x1D72E => array(0x3C3), 0x1D72F => array(0x3C4) ,0x1D730 => array(0x3C5), 0x1D731 => array(0x3C6), 0x1D732 => array(0x3C7) ,0x1D733 => array(0x3C8), 0x1D734 => array(0x3C9), 0x1D747 => array(0x3C3) ,0x1D756 => array(0x3B1), 0x1D757 => array(0x3B2), 0x1D758 => array(0x3B3) ,0x1D759 => array(0x3B4), 0x1D75A => array(0x3B5), 0x1D75B => array(0x3B6) ,0x1D75C => array(0x3B7), 0x1D75D => array(0x3B8), 0x1D75E => array(0x3B9) ,0x1D75F => array(0x3BA), 0x1D760 => array(0x3BB), 0x1D761 => array(0x3BC) ,0x1D762 => array(0x3BD), 0x1D763 => array(0x3BE), 0x1D764 => array(0x3BF) ,0x1D765 => array(0x3C0), 0x1D766 => array(0x3C1), 0x1D767 => array(0x3B8) ,0x1D768 => array(0x3C3), 0x1D769 => array(0x3C4), 0x1D76A => array(0x3C5) ,0x1D76B => array(0x3C6), 0x1D76C => array(0x3C7), 0x1D76D => array(0x3C8) ,0x1D76E => array(0x3C9), 0x1D781 => array(0x3C3), 0x1D790 => array(0x3B1) ,0x1D791 => array(0x3B2), 0x1D792 => array(0x3B3), 0x1D793 => array(0x3B4) ,0x1D794 => array(0x3B5), 0x1D795 => array(0x3B6), 0x1D796 => array(0x3B7) ,0x1D797 => array(0x3B8), 0x1D798 => array(0x3B9), 0x1D799 => array(0x3BA) ,0x1D79A => array(0x3BB), 0x1D79B => array(0x3BC), 0x1D79C => array(0x3BD) ,0x1D79D => array(0x3BE), 0x1D79E => array(0x3BF), 0x1D79F => array(0x3C0) ,0x1D7A0 => array(0x3C1), 0x1D7A1 => array(0x3B8), 0x1D7A2 => array(0x3C3) ,0x1D7A3 => array(0x3C4), 0x1D7A4 => array(0x3C5), 0x1D7A5 => array(0x3C6) ,0x1D7A6 => array(0x3C7), 0x1D7A7 => array(0x3C8), 0x1D7A8 => array(0x3C9) ,0x1D7BB => array(0x3C3), 0x3F9 => array(0x3C3), 0x1D2C => array(0x61) ,0x1D2D => array(0xE6), 0x1D2E => array(0x62), 0x1D30 => array(0x64) ,0x1D31 => array(0x65), 0x1D32 => array(0x1DD), 0x1D33 => array(0x67) ,0x1D34 => array(0x68), 0x1D35 => array(0x69), 0x1D36 => array(0x6A) ,0x1D37 => array(0x6B), 0x1D38 => array(0x6C), 0x1D39 => array(0x6D) ,0x1D3A => array(0x6E), 0x1D3C => array(0x6F), 0x1D3D => array(0x223) ,0x1D3E => array(0x70), 0x1D3F => array(0x72), 0x1D40 => array(0x74) ,0x1D41 => array(0x75), 0x1D42 => array(0x77), 0x213B => array(0x66, 0x61, 0x78) ,0x3250 => array(0x70, 0x74, 0x65), 0x32CC => array(0x68, 0x67) ,0x32CE => array(0x65, 0x76), 0x32CF => array(0x6C, 0x74, 0x64) ,0x337A => array(0x69, 0x75), 0x33DE => array(0x76, 0x2215, 0x6D) ,0x33DF => array(0x61, 0x2215, 0x6D) ) ,'norm_combcls' => array(0x334 => 1, 0x335 => 1, 0x336 => 1, 0x337 => 1 ,0x338 => 1, 0x93C => 7, 0x9BC => 7, 0xA3C => 7, 0xABC => 7 ,0xB3C => 7, 0xCBC => 7, 0x1037 => 7, 0x3099 => 8, 0x309A => 8 ,0x94D => 9, 0x9CD => 9, 0xA4D => 9, 0xACD => 9, 0xB4D => 9 ,0xBCD => 9, 0xC4D => 9, 0xCCD => 9, 0xD4D => 9, 0xDCA => 9 ,0xE3A => 9, 0xF84 => 9, 0x1039 => 9, 0x1714 => 9, 0x1734 => 9 ,0x17D2 => 9, 0x5B0 => 10, 0x5B1 => 11, 0x5B2 => 12, 0x5B3 => 13 ,0x5B4 => 14, 0x5B5 => 15, 0x5B6 => 16, 0x5B7 => 17, 0x5B8 => 18 ,0x5B9 => 19, 0x5BB => 20, 0x5Bc => 21, 0x5BD => 22, 0x5BF => 23 ,0x5C1 => 24, 0x5C2 => 25, 0xFB1E => 26, 0x64B => 27, 0x64C => 28 ,0x64D => 29, 0x64E => 30, 0x64F => 31, 0x650 => 32, 0x651 => 33 ,0x652 => 34, 0x670 => 35, 0x711 => 36, 0xC55 => 84, 0xC56 => 91 ,0xE38 => 103, 0xE39 => 103, 0xE48 => 107, 0xE49 => 107, 0xE4A => 107 ,0xE4B => 107, 0xEB8 => 118, 0xEB9 => 118, 0xEC8 => 122, 0xEC9 => 122 ,0xECA => 122, 0xECB => 122, 0xF71 => 129, 0xF72 => 130, 0xF7A => 130 ,0xF7B => 130, 0xF7C => 130, 0xF7D => 130, 0xF80 => 130, 0xF74 => 132 ,0x321 => 202, 0x322 => 202, 0x327 => 202, 0x328 => 202, 0x31B => 216 ,0xF39 => 216, 0x1D165 => 216, 0x1D166 => 216, 0x1D16E => 216, 0x1D16F => 216 ,0x1D170 => 216, 0x1D171 => 216, 0x1D172 => 216, 0x302A => 218, 0x316 => 220 ,0x317 => 220, 0x318 => 220, 0x319 => 220, 0x31C => 220, 0x31D => 220 ,0x31E => 220, 0x31F => 220, 0x320 => 220, 0x323 => 220, 0x324 => 220 ,0x325 => 220, 0x326 => 220, 0x329 => 220, 0x32A => 220, 0x32B => 220 ,0x32C => 220, 0x32D => 220, 0x32E => 220, 0x32F => 220, 0x330 => 220 ,0x331 => 220, 0x332 => 220, 0x333 => 220, 0x339 => 220, 0x33A => 220 ,0x33B => 220, 0x33C => 220, 0x347 => 220, 0x348 => 220, 0x349 => 220 ,0x34D => 220, 0x34E => 220, 0x353 => 220, 0x354 => 220, 0x355 => 220 ,0x356 => 220, 0x591 => 220, 0x596 => 220, 0x59B => 220, 0x5A3 => 220 ,0x5A4 => 220, 0x5A5 => 220, 0x5A6 => 220, 0x5A7 => 220, 0x5AA => 220 ,0x655 => 220, 0x656 => 220, 0x6E3 => 220, 0x6EA => 220, 0x6ED => 220 ,0x731 => 220, 0x734 => 220, 0x737 => 220, 0x738 => 220, 0x739 => 220 ,0x73B => 220, 0x73C => 220, 0x73E => 220, 0x742 => 220, 0x744 => 220 ,0x746 => 220, 0x748 => 220, 0x952 => 220, 0xF18 => 220, 0xF19 => 220 ,0xF35 => 220, 0xF37 => 220, 0xFC6 => 220, 0x193B => 220, 0x20E8 => 220 ,0x1D17B => 220, 0x1D17C => 220, 0x1D17D => 220, 0x1D17E => 220, 0x1D17F => 220 ,0x1D180 => 220, 0x1D181 => 220, 0x1D182 => 220, 0x1D18A => 220, 0x1D18B => 220 ,0x59A => 222, 0x5AD => 222, 0x1929 => 222, 0x302D => 222, 0x302E => 224 ,0x302F => 224, 0x1D16D => 226, 0x5AE => 228, 0x18A9 => 228, 0x302B => 228 ,0x300 => 230, 0x301 => 230, 0x302 => 230, 0x303 => 230, 0x304 => 230 ,0x305 => 230, 0x306 => 230, 0x307 => 230, 0x308 => 230, 0x309 => 230 ,0x30A => 230, 0x30B => 230, 0x30C => 230, 0x30D => 230, 0x30E => 230 ,0x30F => 230, 0x310 => 230, 0x311 => 230, 0x312 => 230, 0x313 => 230 ,0x314 => 230, 0x33D => 230, 0x33E => 230, 0x33F => 230, 0x340 => 230 ,0x341 => 230, 0x342 => 230, 0x343 => 230, 0x344 => 230, 0x346 => 230 ,0x34A => 230, 0x34B => 230, 0x34C => 230, 0x350 => 230, 0x351 => 230 ,0x352 => 230, 0x357 => 230, 0x363 => 230, 0x364 => 230, 0x365 => 230 ,0x366 => 230, 0x367 => 230, 0x368 => 230, 0x369 => 230, 0x36A => 230 ,0x36B => 230, 0x36C => 230, 0x36D => 230, 0x36E => 230, 0x36F => 230 ,0x483 => 230, 0x484 => 230, 0x485 => 230, 0x486 => 230, 0x592 => 230 ,0x593 => 230, 0x594 => 230, 0x595 => 230, 0x597 => 230, 0x598 => 230 ,0x599 => 230, 0x59C => 230, 0x59D => 230, 0x59E => 230, 0x59F => 230 ,0x5A0 => 230, 0x5A1 => 230, 0x5A8 => 230, 0x5A9 => 230, 0x5AB => 230 ,0x5AC => 230, 0x5AF => 230, 0x5C4 => 230, 0x610 => 230, 0x611 => 230 ,0x612 => 230, 0x613 => 230, 0x614 => 230, 0x615 => 230, 0x653 => 230 ,0x654 => 230, 0x657 => 230, 0x658 => 230, 0x6D6 => 230, 0x6D7 => 230 ,0x6D8 => 230, 0x6D9 => 230, 0x6DA => 230, 0x6DB => 230, 0x6DC => 230 ,0x6DF => 230, 0x6E0 => 230, 0x6E1 => 230, 0x6E2 => 230, 0x6E4 => 230 ,0x6E7 => 230, 0x6E8 => 230, 0x6EB => 230, 0x6EC => 230, 0x730 => 230 ,0x732 => 230, 0x733 => 230, 0x735 => 230, 0x736 => 230, 0x73A => 230 ,0x73D => 230, 0x73F => 230, 0x740 => 230, 0x741 => 230, 0x743 => 230 ,0x745 => 230, 0x747 => 230, 0x749 => 230, 0x74A => 230, 0x951 => 230 ,0x953 => 230, 0x954 => 230, 0xF82 => 230, 0xF83 => 230, 0xF86 => 230 ,0xF87 => 230, 0x170D => 230, 0x193A => 230, 0x20D0 => 230, 0x20D1 => 230 ,0x20D4 => 230, 0x20D5 => 230, 0x20D6 => 230, 0x20D7 => 230, 0x20DB => 230 ,0x20DC => 230, 0x20E1 => 230, 0x20E7 => 230, 0x20E9 => 230, 0xFE20 => 230 ,0xFE21 => 230, 0xFE22 => 230, 0xFE23 => 230, 0x1D185 => 230, 0x1D186 => 230 ,0x1D187 => 230, 0x1D189 => 230, 0x1D188 => 230, 0x1D1AA => 230, 0x1D1AB => 230 ,0x1D1AC => 230, 0x1D1AD => 230, 0x315 => 232, 0x31A => 232, 0x302C => 232 ,0x35F => 233, 0x362 => 233, 0x35D => 234, 0x35E => 234, 0x360 => 234 ,0x361 => 234, 0x345 => 240 ) ); } ?>