Directors’ report - continued
Review of the business - continued
Other expenses amounted to €3,413,346 (2020: €3,455,233) and mainly consisted of depreciation and
amortisation amounting to €2,496,410 (2020: €2,309,193) and employee benefit expenses (including
director fees) amounting to €358,613 (2020: €349,628). The increase in personnel costs related to
recruitment made during the year that was required to meet the Company’s extended operational activity.
Financing costs amount to €969,903 (2020: €639,554) which mainly relate to the 5.9% interest on the bonds
issued by the Company in July 2019. A related party owning 26.19% of the bonds issued, waived its rights
to receive the related bond interest for the year ended 2021. Finance costs for the period amounting to
€969,903 are net of €309,037 relating to this waiver.
The Company registered a loss for the year amounting to €4,144,547 (2020: €1,343,687).
Following the disposal of the Brand and the restructuring of the Group, the Company is now focusing its
efforts on developing its B2B activities to replace discontinued revenue streams with third party business
from white label and turnkey services.
Management expects that, following the disposal of the Brand and the restructuring of its business, there
will be a short-to-medium-term mismatch between revenues and operational costs which is expected to
result in short-to-medium-term losses. Nevertheless, the Company expects revenues from its new B2B
initiatives to reach levels that match its operational cost base by late 2022 and to consistently outweigh
operational costs by 2023.
Financial Position
The Company’s financial position is set out in the statement of financial position on page 11.
At 31 December 2021, the Company’s total asset base stood at €36,683,864 (2020: €46,633,014). The
main assets of the Company following the sale of the Brand, comprise the technology platform (the
“Platform”) which is stated at a net book value of €10,885,068 (2020: €12,332,841) and trade and other
receivables of €9,920,737 (2020: €7,713,551) of which €8,569,237 (2020: €6,576,910) are related party
During the year, the Company de-recognised a Deferred Tax asset of €1,040,371 which was previously
recognised in 2020 relating to the Brand.
Following the sale of the Brand, an initial payment of €16,198,432 was received by the Company hence
significantly improving the Company’s liquidity position with a current asset ratio of 11.9 at the end of 2021
(2020: 1.02).
The Company’s main liabilities are €20,000,000 (2020: €20,000,000) bonds issued to the public during the
year 2019 and trade payables amounting to €2,078,462 (2020: €8,234,878).
Included in trade and other receivables at year-end is a balance receivable from Gameday Group plc of
€8,801,568 in connection with the disposal of the Brand. As disclosed in the subsequent event note in
these financial statements, on 25 March 2022, an intra-group restructuring exercise took place resulting in
the settlement of part of this balance amounting to €5,185,521 through the transfer and subsequent
cancellation of a number of the Company's bonds at a selling price of €99 per bond, being the average
market price on the date of sale. These bonds had a total nominal value of €5,237,900. The remaining
balance owed by the parent company to the Company at 25 March 2022 stood at €3,616,047.