[Title of infographic] How to know whether to watch *that* TV show Did you feel upset or angry after watching the trailer or reading reviews? If YES, go to 1a. If NO, go to 1b. 1a. Do you really want to watch this show? If YES, go to 2a. If NO, go to 3c. 1b. Did the trailer remind you of someone you know who may have been through something similar? If YES, go to 2b. If NO, go to 2c. 2a. Is there someone you trust who you could chat to about this? If YES, go to 3b. If NO, to to 3c. 2b. Did it upset you to be reminded of that person and their situation? If YES, go to 2a. If NO, go to 2c. 2c. Do distressing situations upset you even if you don't relate personally? If YES, go to 3c. If NO, go to 3a. 3a. It sounds like you've thought it through, so you're probably right to watch it. But if you start to feel upset, or if it puts you in a negative frame of mind, just hit the off button. Don't waste time on anything that makes you feel crap. Life's too short, and there's too much good stuff to watch. 3b. Watch the trailer with the person you trust, and then discuss it with them. This will help you to work out your feelings and reactions in an environment where you feel supported. 3c. It's probably best to give it a miss. There are so many great shows and movies available to watch that won't leave you feeling rubbish, or you could try some screen-free time.