(Nasalifya is sitting in an armchair, speaking into the camera. A small graphic appears on the bottom left of the screen that reads: Nasalifya Namwinga Clinical Psychologist) - It's like everything that we experience in the world, if we see too much of anything, we start to see the world from that perspective of what we are viewing. So if what we're viewing constantly is distressing or upsetting, we start to see the world as this place that is always unsafe, always unsettled, and that impacts how we choose to exist and move within the world. We can do a couple of different things. One is to just make sure that you're being kind to yourself about how you feel. It's hard because it's hard, not because there's something wrong with you. So being kind and gentle with ourselves as we hear and see all these things that are happening in the world. The second thing is reaching out to your support system. That might be a trusted adult or a good friend, or in some cases a therapist or a mental health support person that you have that you've already been working with. Social media is a great tool, but sometimes we are not prepared for some of the content that we might see on there. So a great tip that I find really useful is to set some time apart for you to process what you're gonna consume or see on social media. This is a way to ensure self-care around the content. Process, validate your emotions, and seek out the support that you might need. -END-