Two screenshots of the BeyondNow app with the Lifeline logo in the background. The screen on the left shows the step selection screen of the app. There are seven numbered steps down the left side of the screen, under a heading that reads 'Select a step'. Step 1: My warning signs Step 2: Making my space safe Step 3: My reasons to live Step 4: Things I can do by myself Step 5: People and places I can connect with Step 6: People I can talk or yarn to Step 7: Professional support The screen on the right shows the Step Four page on the app. A small heading that reads 'STEP FOUR' sits above a larger heading that reads 'Things I can do by myself'. Text underneath reads 'Doing things to distract yourself from suicidal thoughts can help keep you safe. List some of the things you like doing by yourself.' Below this sits a heading that reads 'Things I can do...' with an 'Edit' button nearby. There are three empty boxes and three empty image frames, to be filled out by the app user. There is a footer at the bottom with a series of buttons. From left to right: Back (with an arrow icon pointing to the left), Steps (with a checklist icon), Add (with a plus sign icon), Suggestions (with a lightbulb icon), Next (with an arrow icon pointing to the right).