ALL GAME, NO SHAME: HOW TO BOUNCE BACK WITH CONFIDENCE (Ben stands in his home, jingling his car keys.) I'm going for my license today. (Ben's Dad waves goodbye to Ben from across the room.) All the best, make sure you check all your blind spots. (Ben waves his hand over his shoulder as he is walking down the stairs to leave) Yeah, yeah, yeah. (Ben gets into the drivers side of a car. A young man with bleached blonde hair is sitting the passenger seat. He is clearly not a real driving instructor. He is holding a notepad and a permanent marker. Ben puts on his seatbelt.) Seatbelt, check. (Ben lowers the handbrake.) Handbrake off. (Ben turns his head to reverse out of the driveway. From off-screen we hear the driving instructor loudly interrupt Ben's action.) NUP. (Ben is startled and the driving instructor is shaking his head.) You didn't check ya mirrors. That's a fail. (The driving instructor is holding a notepad that now reads STUBBA - referring to Ben's nickname - with a large F written above it. He uses a pen to draw a big line through STUBBA.) (Ben walks up the stairs and does a loud groan. He swings open a baby gate to enter his lounge room and pushes some chairs as he walks through the room. Ben's Dad greets him as he enters.) What's happened mate? (Ben slumps down next to his Dad on the lounge.) The stupid driving fella failed me. Ben's Dad: Never mind. It's hard when things never turn out how you wanted it to be. Ben: How you always positive about stuff? Ben's Dad: Well the truth is, I'm not always positive and I don't always know what to do. But as you get older life teaches you how to deal with challenges. (Ben is outside, speaking directly to the camera. As he talks a graphic appears on screen that reads BENJAMIN STUBBS WOOBILLEE - WANGKATHA. This is Ben's full name and his mob.) Don't feel like you have to know everything or always make the right decision. (Ben is now sitting on a park bench, still speaking directly to the camera.) Elders don't wake up one day and magically make all the right decisions. It takes years and years of life experiences to do to this. (Ben is walking behind another young man in the front yard of a home. The young man in front trips over a log on the ground. Ben looks directly to camera with a cheeky smile.) And learning from other people's life experiences makes your life ten times easier. (Ben takes a big step over the log, being careful not to trip.) (Ben is standing outside of his home, speaking directly to camera.) And if you're ever lacking a bit of self-confidence or self-worth, just remember it can't storm forever. Some good ways you can build up some of this self-confidence and self-belief is to lean on your family values or your cultural beliefs. (Ben is dancing in his driveway while he speaks in a VoiceOver. He is doing traditional Aboriginal dance moves.) We got one of the oldest living cultures in the world, and that's already one thing to be confident about. (Ben is once again speaking directly to camera.) Another way of building that self-confidence is to get out and try new things. Cause you'll never know what you'll like. (Ben is sitting on his lounge at home, speaking directly to the camera.) Getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things is a wicked way to meet new people, have fun, build that self-confidence and self-belief that we all love. So don't be shame, be game! You never know where it might take you in life. Like for me for instance, started making TikToks and here I am today. (Ben is back outside, speaking directly to the camera.) And never forget building self-confidence, resilience and self-belief... none of this stuff happens overnight. (Ben points to the camera and speaks with a smile). So keep working at it. And make sure you ask the people you love to keep building you up and helping you as you grow. (Ben winks to the camera and clicks his tongue.) (A graphic end card appears on screen. It has a dark purple background and light purple text that reads WHEN LIFE DOESN'T GO AS PLANNED. The ReachOut logo appears under the text. It reads REACHOUT and the O in OUT has three small dots, like a speech bubble that appears when someone is writing a text. White text appears below the logo that reads REACHOUT.COM.) -END-