(Nasalifya is leaning on a desk, speaking into the camera. A small graphic appears on the bottom left of the screen that reads: Nasalifya Namwinga Clinical Psychologist) - I'm not going to tell you to stop engaging with what's going on in the world because it is so important for us to be informed and gather stories. Instead, let's talk about how you can engage with content with intention. Here are a few ways that you can engage with the news with intent. So the first might be setting aside some time where you have capacity to actually hear the news and see what's going on in the world, and then after that, the second part would be setting aside some time to actually process the emotions that that news brings up for you. If you feel like you want to or need to take action, the third thing is thinking about what is the most impactful thing that you can do within your sphere of influence and within your capacity? During this time, it is really difficult to stop and look after yourself because I know it might bring up feelings of guilt, but it is okay for you to make sure that you are okay. -END-