(Nasalifya is leaning on a desk, speaking into the camera. A small graphic appears on the bottom left of the screen that reads: Nasalifya Namwinga Clinical Psychologist) - Advocacy work is incredible and can be so rewarding, but it can also be really exhausting. Fatigue, and in particular, advocacy fatigue is really difficult because it's complicated by the fact that we want to do the work and we sometimes feel feelings of guilt about not doing enough. So how do we manage fatigue when we still wanna keep going? Make sure you're not doing this work alone. Find a collective of people that you can join with to do the advocacy work. When it comes to advocacy, we wanna be strategic about how we use our energy. What is the thing that we can do that has the highest impact, and we can actually deliver really well if we can do that thing and then support other people doing the same kind of work in parallel to us. We are far more effective in the advocacy work that we choose to do. We cannot know everything about everything, and that's okay. So what's the thing that you do really well? -END-