Exam checklist This infographic is split vertically into two sections. The left-hand side is titled 'NIGHT BEFORE' and includes an illustration of a smiling moon. The right-hand side is titled 'ON THE DAY' and includes an illustration of a smiling sun. Underneath both sections are six checkboxes each that run vertically down the infographic. Each checkbox aligns with a tip and an illustrated scene depicting that tip in action. 1. Night before Check (again). Confirm the location and starting time. A hand is holding a mobile phone. On the screen there is a clock and a location sign. Try not to cram. Do a light revision of your notes instead. There are two overlapping flashcards containing bullet points and highlighted lines. The front flashcard is titled 'Notes'. Get organised. Lay out your clothes and pack your bag. An open backpack contains a water bottle, calculator, ruler, highlighters, pens and a student ID. Set your alarm. Allow plenty of time to get ready in the morning. An digital alarm clock shows the time of 0:700 in the morning. Visualise success. Picture yourself being calm and confident in your exam. A thought bubble features a young person sitting at their exam desk looking calm and ready. Get a good night's sleep. Wind down early and aim for eight hours of sleep. A young person is shown sleeping peacefully in their bed. 2. On the day Eat breakfast. Give your brain a boost with a good brekkie. A plate of food includes two pieces of toast, an egg, half an avodcado and a banana. Arrive early. Aim to get there with plenty of time to spare. A hand is holding a mobile phone that displays the time of 08:45 along the top of the screen. Underneath the time is a worm, which represents an 'early worm'. Take a moment. Before heading in, take some deep breaths or do some stretches. A young person is sitting down cross-legged and is counting to three. Skip the stressors. Steer clear of people or situations that might stress you out. In the foreground stands a young person smiling with headphones on. In the background is a group of young people speaking loudly to each other. Get comfortable. Find your seat, set yourself up and get to work. A young person is sitting at their exam desk looking calm. There are pens, a ruler and a water bottle on the desk. Treat yourself. Plan a little reward for after you've finished. A hand is holding two movie tickets.